New Formation Patch (TRF)

One of the cadets shooting yesterday had a parachute badge above his (new) TRF - small circular badge, just depicting a parachute. No idea if that is within the dress regulations though.

No it’s not. But it’s privately purchased kit so limited on how much we can enforce the regs really.

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It’s for qualified parachutists that have not done P Company so would of thought it’s allowed

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But what cadet would have done that?

Because those who have been awarded them cannot have it removed.


Pretty sure I’m wrong, but aren’t they also the lightbulb ones? For people have done P coy, but don’t serve with paras anymore?

I’d have thought you as an SI would wear a normal RAF TRF even if only to wind up the WOs of this parish.


I confuse enough people at times. Especially when I turn up in 2C…


What if people dont want to wear “Dickie”. I get it isnt a design feature but a poor choice not picked up before mass production, failing that is was done by a couple of SNCOs with a good military sense of humour

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I, for one, am proud to be in the Radio Frequency Air C Dets and will happily explain it to anyone who asks.

If they wanted branding, it should have been a media patch of the actual logo and not a TRF.

Media patch up top, ATC or CCF (proper) TRF underneath. Official policy for approval of Unit TRF designs to go in place of the generic one. Eventually you’re saving the doubled cost because you aren’t issuing every unit 2 badges, just one to most; parent umbrella branding is present while allowing the retention of individual identity.


Seeing others in some places get picked up for not wearing them yet, but we’ve been told there will be a transition period whilst they work out how to distribute them - not sure whether they have reached our Wing as yet or are still with Region.

If there was a private purchase option I’d have happily got a set for the swap over date. But there isn’t so I can’t.


Why publish a date and not have the distribution chain sorted out down to wing level having supplies that squadrons can collect or that sector officers etc can distribute…poor organisation.


The distribution clearly has worked, received to WHQ and passed to Sqns and now issued to all cadets and staff on the unit.

This is not a national issue for sure


Was fairly pain free in our part of the world. Think we got them all out in a 10 day window from recieving.

The only issue i have is one Sqn hasnt got them because the OC is on hols and not taken them to Sqn

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They should have been ready, and with everyone, a month before the switchover. Yes, it’s worked in some parts, but the powers that be once again fail to recognise the difference between volunteers and full time employees. One weak link and the whole thing grinds to a halt.




What makes me laugh is that there are wings which have had their wing field day recently… and they didn’t think that that would be a good opportunity to distribute the TRFs :roll_eyes:

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Or the fact that we announced the new TRF via Logs Update how long ago, and are only just updating 1358 this week?


We had them in time to issue to those who turned up on the Monday night of the changeover day.


Line your ducks up before squeezing the trigger!

  1. Make sure everyone has them
  2. Make sure ACP1358 is updated
  3. Make sure there’s enough time between issue, publishing, and zero hour so you don’t have this “oh there’s a transition period” or questions of “why don’t you have it on yet?”

If this was being run by someone with sense, it would be clear cut. What’s an extra month when we’ve been waiting for this for years?

And why wasn’t the ACP 1358 revision ready to go?

I’m seeing images of a sober brewery gathering…


Is Special K the head bar man??