New Formation Patch (TRF)

They’ve let standards slip since my last trip with them

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Seen on Twitter from WO Greg Jennings RAFAC


Need’s more apostrophe’s


At least there are some super clear and easy to understand comms coming from somewhere.

Perhaps you could email WO Jenning’s to tell them directly.

That aside, it’s a good message, but including positioning would have been even better.

  1. Take old badge off

  2. Put new badge on in same place

  3. Simples

This is a very ATC centric photo. Surely the CCF badge should be at the bottom too with a red X?



Why is the parachute badge still permitted.

If it is no longer a RAFAC issues badge then it should come off as well.

We can’t all be the same if we are t all the same :slight_smile:

Step one - most people will comply & is easy to enforce /encourage

Step two - meh……not good at sewing so probably not going to happen.

I know a number of officers who haven’t got around to getting their no 1s re-ranked so it’s probably going to be a while till it gets done if at all.

Same principle as retaining regt mud guards or pilot wings.

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“Maroon on the right”

As opposed to text upside down and William flying inverted?

I know old issue combat boot insoles had “topside” written on them just in case some squaddie thought the prickly bit was somehow a massage feature, but really?!


Not going to lie, it should have had only the eagle on.

These things shouldn’t have text on them. It’s meant to be a bold and easily identifiable design. No text.

It doesn’t help that the text then makes the terrible design mistake of superimposing a light colour over a light colour.


Just showed this to OC Home Cmd during our afternoon coffee and asked that they thought.

First comment was a question on why theres a huge p p there…


I showed the patch and mentioned the tackle to my missus… She called me a child if that’s what I’m noticing.

I said the majority of the forum has said the same.

Just raised her eyebrows… “I figured…” And walked off.

If they wanted one that was different to the RAF (I don’t buy the necessity but whatever), they could’ve just used the old SNCO one remained all of the text.


Remember you are allowed to wear it if you want :slight_smile:

Very true. That was an elegant solution.

Ultimately, this sort of thing is never going to help you with your branding.

It’s too small and subtle.

If people don’t know what you are by the time they’re close enough to read it, they’ll just ask you if they care.

Edit: I mean a big green patch on your chest with “air cadets” never helped.

And that’s why this “RAFAC” business is a nonsense. Better to have “Air Cadets” under the rank slide.

Most people reading post nominals have to ask what “RAFAC” is, and they’re already primed for guessing.

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I’ll forget to take it off going to work. (Not that I wear uniform to work)

And I’m already a big enough phallus, I don’t need one on my uniform.

Having seen how a few cadets (or parents) sew on (or glue!) other badges on brassards, etc, then all explanations help! :wink: