New Formation Patch (TRF)

Got issued a dark blue lab coat when I got my uniform issue - never worn it :upside_down_face:

i don’t doubt they exist…I have just never seen one and are spoken of about something that was once rather than finding three old ones at the back of stores no one knows what to do with

Ahh, a cock and balls to cover our cock and balls :smiley:

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But not until April 2024 according to the latest influence newsletter!

Lab coats? Or CIs?


My son has his and has been told they need to be on for tonights parade night however 1358 hasn’t been updated. Thoughts?

You’re only just bringing this to people’s attention at gone 4pm on a Friday. Do you work for HQAC…?

Blank blanking plates?


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Top knowhow…

Fed up. Your new TRF just doesnt fit on blanking plate properly.

Stroke it a few.times to acheive the desired size…


Something on your mind?

Ask them for the risk assessment and PPE to prevent neddle pricks. Sounds like whoever os shouting the order is the biggest

So if we take off the old ones but don’t wear the new one - will there be any consequences for not wearing the patch?

One thing that killed off the the cadet badge was that people just stopped wearing it.

If people stop wearing this badge after the initial push, particularly if we don’t get replacements will it just die off?

Well after some grumblings from No1 child, I dug out my mum’s old sewing machine and put them on for him. I did say that if he’d have given me more notice I’d have taken them to the Squippers today to do.

Let the floodgates open, I detect ripoff direct or green frog ofering a sqn patch service very soon.


Is it acceptable to mount the new patches with velcro as I have barrack dress shirts so 1 pair is not enough.

It would look a bit weird. In my opinion at least.

Worth asking if theres a spare set avaliable

Although it may look a little weird, it seems like a good solution really. We’re only being scaled for two, and being told we can’t but them privately. And also being told there won’t be any more until 2024. Velcro gets around that!


Yeah agreed…

I certainly wouldnt challenge it with that rationale

The blanking plates are velcro and look utterly gash. Don’t see why this would look any worse