New Formation Patch (TRF)

The joys of cascade distribution…

It sort of demonstrates the effectiveness/workload of particular functions at particular levels of the chain
Self Grading :slight_smile:

(edited so as not to show criticism but acknowledgement that some have more challenging circumstances than others)

In the flesh!


Rigid, quivering flesh…?


Definitely harder than the previous ones. I thought they were quite floppy whereas these remain quite firm when you hold them.


I miss my twenties

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I do love a single entendre

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I still see

 R     F

Air C Dets

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I see it not being central.

You can argue the logotype for the R pushes the centre point, but the R starting too far left is less noticeable then the A not being centred. The kerning from the A to the F is greater than the R to the A, so theoretically that’s balanced out.

Although, it doesn’t matter if your A is centred if you can’t see it, I suppose.

Then we get to the bird - the wings are closer to one edge than the other.

I could do better in GIMP, and that’s really not the right tool for the job.

Were actual graphic and textile designers involved in this? Did someone with eyes sign off the design and sample run?

Probably the same person that signed off on the brassards that are too small


Here Here ! :+1:

due to MOD contract procurement procedures this is the sample run as the chosen contractor as a minimum order is 15,000 items

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To be fair, the DESIGN is as per the Logs Briefing Note. What has been delovered on the other hand is way below the design expectation.


The Green Frog one is actually closer to the design than what they got.


I had a Cadet who had one leg shorter than the other, he had to wear a shoe that had a sole 5cm thicker. He was bollocked by a brainless WO who told him he had an eye for detail and those shoes aren’t correct dress. I was about to jump in an put said WO back in his box, but the Cadet got thier first “I can take them off Sir, but I’ll stuggle with the Left Wheel so can we make it Right wheels instead”. WO got back in his own box and shut the F up for the rest of the day.


I’ve asked for some of theirs when they get the initial order through.

I just realised that the new TRFs are actually unique.

For the first time, given the private purchase ban, we actually have an officially-issued piece of greens-specific uniform. Surely that strengthens the argument for MTP to become official RAFAC issue?


Just means next time they tell you to wear your issued green uniform you can wear something other than your beret

I saw somewhere that CFAV should wear issued coveralls. I certainly wasn’t issued any.

you will also find if you look that CIs have an armband to wear and a lab coat available to them, and also a CI broach style badge.

I have only seen the armband and badge (I have mine from when I was issued). since the adoption of the “CI uniform” (polo and jumpers) i haven’t seen CIs wear the badge - they now use the branded clothing as their identifier.
the armband I did see worn a few times in No3s as a highlight they were CIs and thus the reason they did not have a beret but this is on fewer occasions than I would need to a full hand to count upon.

the coat however is something of myth and legend…never seen it.

there is a long list of what CFAVs are entitled to be issued, none of which i ever received!


I was a proud CI & made sure to speak up to make sure CIs weren’t forgotten & included in things as stated dress for final parades etc.

When I commissioned in my initial kitting was a dark blue lab coat & a CI Armband.

I believe that someone was taking the proverbial in a banter ours was & I did raise an eyebrow .

But they do exist :slightly_smiling_face: