New Formation Patch (TRF)


It’s one of those things that already done in many areas from when it was in ACP1358 last time round.

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Accurate but not as simple, theres a whole legacy and approval piece behind it.

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So definitely an ask-for-forgiveness situation.
I understand.


Yeah just claim it was authorised several WWO’s ago.


We have purchased 100 pairs of blanking plates (£350)

And all cadets issued a pair of patches and blanking plates.

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Well I’m on camp with 3 TEST SNCOs and not a single one has had any for distribution yet…


Almost certainly Logs forgot about the existence of CCF


We’re directing them where to get them from…

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The photos certainly make the new TRFs appear to be more… in your face than the previous ones.

Has anyone seen them IRL yet, and are you able to confirm whether they’re so striking?

I’ve seen them in person. You probably wouldn’t notice immediately if you didn’t know it was there

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52 pairs issued last night, if you know it’s there you’ll see it otherwise you won’t.


to be fair to it, its only looks like its packing heat if you want it to. it looks pretty regular in person i think.

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So i checked with my DepOC Wing and WExO, as of the 4/7, they hadn’t heard anything about how these new patches were to be distributed, which is great considering we were meant to switch over on 3/7! great comms as always

No sign of them here either. Only one wing wide email received, from the WWO telling us to switch on the 03/07 but no infor about when they will actually arrive

As per the Logs Inst they were sent to Regions and onto WHQs to then distribute.

My Wing received 2 weeks ago and have all been distributed to sqns now I think, I was issuing them to people on Tuesday.

I had mine arrive over a week ago from Wing HQ and these were distributed late last week.

Only problem is that some individuals can’t sow or they can’t read my instructions on the location of the badge so we had a couple of questionable badge positions!

My favourite was from a cadet asking if they had to wear one on each sleeve. That’s how unused to getting free greens kit we’ve become!


Yep all out. With a supply to request more if SMS wasnt accurate for example

Wait so there’s no more stock while my wing (and presumably more within North, and S&NI)haven’t had their supply?