New Air Cadet website launched

I find the training dashboard for PTS to be really helpful (although a small number of pieces of info are incorrect, seemingly due to a small coding issue). Something like that for the various Hubs would be a good start - preferably on SharePoint’s front page.


The “Our People” section is missing CivCom representation.

It’s not easily clear either which profiles you should be looking at depending on what you’re trying to research.

@Wizzle are these things that are in the pipeline already?

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Rumour mill is that CivCom are to disappear.

That ain’t no rumour! It’s a fact…

I know they’ve already eliminated the position of RCivCom, but wasn’t aware that it was confirmed to go further.

Have a read through of that thread!

Well not fully…just the responsibility of controlling Sqn funds

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What @AlexCorbin said. Sqn committees will exist, but without legal trusteeship and ability to pay out from the account.

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I’ve signed in on this website

Perhaps pastel versions of the core colour palette?

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