Still don’t like it.
I find myself not even bothering to even come and check or have a look.
Still don’t like it.
I find myself not even bothering to even come and check or have a look.
And yet here you are…posting…?
Yes. Because I finally decided to drag myself on here and give it another go.
No point moaning about it if I haven’t tried to give it a go.
It’s a lot like the last ATC wing meeting I went too. Over crowded, badly managed, over complicated, a few choice people with egos and afterwards you are still none the wiser of what’s going on.
Yeah it blows in regards to layout.
I definitely preferred the old layout and operation but this will do.
You don’t like the ATC and you don’t like the forum. Genuine question then: why are you here?
Well I am not the only one then.
And it’s not the ATC I don’t like. It’s the politics, the old crusty blokes with Egos, the lack of proper organisation, the lack of communication, The deadwood in the Wing. The over complications. The Walting.
Christ I literally left a wing meeting and nothing had been accomplished except people in the north were annoyed at travelling south and the people in the south were fed up with coming North.
And then someone was gobbing off something to do ScotSAT.
And it’s not the forum I don’t like. It’s the layout. Now I may seem a troglodyte to you RAF chappies with your caviar and your silver spoons. But I like to voice my mind.
the smilies are rubbish - its needs that thumbs up winky chap.
[quote=“RearAdmiralScrinson, post:67, topic:1840”]…Now I may seem a troglodyte to you RAF chappies with your caviar and your silver spoons.
you can only have been in the RLC if you could ever consider the RAF as ‘posh’. grief man, its like the holding pen for the Jeremy Kyle Show. or the Royal Regiment of Scotland…
The RAF isn’t really a service though is it, more of civvies in uniform.
And the smilies were awesome.
could you be a little more specific and give a possible solution?
And I can add more smilies - which are the ones you miss?
Do we have the popcorn-eating one?
I’ve added the following emoji - anymore?
trying to find the popcorn one…
here he is:
It’s over crowded, awkward. Silly little logos. An cheap app style look rather than the old website forum look. That looked quite professional and was user friendly.
If I wanted to use an App I would download one not use my browser.
yes!! that is it!!
looks like an app is exactly the description i couldnt think of!
it looks nothing like ANY other forum out there i have used and as such makes it a challenge to use/understand as it doesn’t follow forum “rules” or layout…
I have kept quiet and used it for a while, still not convinced either; I would concur about it looking like an ‘app’. On the plus side, I do like that it takes you to the new posts in a string.
And what the heck are the ‘earned’ things about? Are they meant to be rewards???
What the last few people have said!
Hi guys, thanks for your comments - always welcome and thoroughly thought about!
Yes the current look and feel is kind of “Appy” and I did it intentionally.
No, it’s not like old legacy forum software, which was kind of the point.
Yes, rewards are to be earned, the more you participate in the community the more badges and rewards you get which open up more features.
I can’t please everyone all of the time, I’m only 1 person after all But I do want to make ACC a place that people like to visit, and although site ‘hits’ appear to have dropped a little since the migration there are also less external plugins accessing the site which could explain the new figures.
All our regular users have reset their passwords so have site visited the new site at least once and Google is reporting 300-400 unique impressions per day. The old software was nearer 500 on average.
ACC is not the beast it once was due to reasons various, people either now don’t know we exist and/or they carry out their business on Facebook. We’re not Facebook, we’re anonymous if we want to be and aren’t constrained by FB’s limits in what and how you can post (technology wise at least).
Personally I like the new site, much more than the old one - more features, more secure, easier to maintain and extend. I find it easier to read as the content is front and centre. It’s still being developed and ACC has already made some changes to the overall system code with our feedback.
Nearly every part of the front end, user experience can be altered. But for adjustments I need to know exactly what a user needs changing - a picture paints a thousand words. I can setup a new topic for just that purpose if you think it’s needed. But I am only 1 person and can only do so much. Sounds a bit like a sob story I know, but I’ve had many offers of help or testing. I don’t mind, but it gets a tiny bit frustrating.
Overall I need you, the users, to advertise ACC for us, spread our name around, take part in our community, create content, join in the discussion, suggest useful changes - be active! That way we’ll become a great site and attract all sorts of users and be able to bring in even more useful features that HQAC could never introduce. Let’s be the tech hub of Air Cadet Organisations!
Many thanks again,
Good effort though lad. Credit where’s it’s due and all.
I don’t think i ever managed to get on the original topic before the switch and voice or vote in the poll.
I can only speak for myself but I don’t like app style. Even when internet shopping I always try and switch to desktop version.
Would it have been better to keep the old format but have an app download that can be chosen, switch from desktop to mobile etc? I am no boffin so have no idea.
ARRSE seems to have an alright style where it’s just on the cusp of being app style but retains a good old forum layout, why didn’t we just copy that?
I am a member of another forum that follows our old format with a few tweaks and works well and is very user friendly and I find it a lot easier to use than here.
I would have recommended the old site no problem. But this new style puts me off coming here myself let alone encouraging others.
Sorry lad!
thanks @RearAdmiralScrinson
I’ve just had a fresh look at ARRSE and their site is really cluttered. Lots of extra info down the sides and large avatar icons etc.
Here the conversation is king - nothing else just the discussion.
As for the look and feel I’ll switch back to the more ‘stock’ theme to see what you think