National Townhalls

Patience is a virtue and these town halls I personally think are progress going forward. We have been saying they don’t listen to us or value us and this is a start. I think we need to be supportive rather than shooting the messengers and see what comes out over the next few months. Then go on the offense. This us versus them approach is just not healthy. Im frustrated as the next person but we have got to trust the process and let’s see what’s coming.


Deleted some OT and trolly posts, carry on.

Nothing here either. Sadly I’m away again for this town hall if it is indeed on the 22nd.

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Looks like it was recalled/cancelled

I thought i’d invited the influence mailbox, but had instead invited those in the influence Teams team.

It’s the same link, but the invite will go out later today, we just needed CAC announcement to go first.

This won’t be a townhall but a normal meeting set-up. Less moderation, and while we will have mute and cameras-off locked, we can bring people on-screen to pose questions. That does mean a slight risk of anyone over 1000 not getting to interact and just watch, but we don’t normally go over 1000 on the night .

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good move!

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Just watching through it now as I wasn’t available, mention of SW regions advanced leadership course. Thought it had been scrapped at 22gp level? Perhaps just a rumour or maybe there’s been a change? Either way if it’s coming back that’d be nice.

Who’s planning to join this evening, expecting updates on O18 based on VoV

Precis appreciated for those who can’t attend!


Can’t make this evening, but post here if any updates on SW pause please

I’m pre occupied with a football match in south wales, planning to catch up with the recording via the weekly brief.

Disappointing lack of live posting alongside this for those of us who can’t attend.

Agenda for tonight

Note Leadership Review means PTS Leadership, not the RAFAC Leadership

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ACLC, ALC and JLs gone :roll_eyes: single course at sometime in the future.

Leadership being redone

  • Bronze is L1 qual, Silver to L2, Gold to L3 accredited quals
  • ACLC, JL etc are scrapped, to be replaced with a single gold course.
  • possible accreditation returning for staff courses

Pretty disappointed to find out we were meant to bring our own snacks :grimacing:

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That’s really disappointing.

Absolutely cements my decision to go.


120 cadet places per year with first national course to run in Easter/Summer next year

Whole syllabus should be finalised over the winter.

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Sorry what?!?!

What is (was) ALC? I thought the other gold course was CLC at Frimley Park?