National Townhalls

O18 Cadets - From 18 they’ll be able to transfer to CFAV (CI, NCO or Officer)

Ngl I just joined and so far this feels like it should have been an email before the meeting!

Staff Cadet Rank slides staying as they are atm, but might change later

Questions from Merseyside wing

1 Can a Cadet who decides to become a CFAV between the ages of 18 and 20 either stay or start a relationship with a Cadet between the ages of 18 and 20. This could probably do with a broad brush response on relationships full stop.
2 Will a Cadet who decides to become a CFAV at 18 have to cut all ties with their Cadet friends upon the transition?
3 What is the process with regards to our systems on how a Cadet can become a CFAV. Such as, do they need to complete the onboarding, or can we just amend their SMS record?
4 Where does a staff cadet stand with regard to the BTEC in Leadership and Teamwork, if the cadet transitions across to CFAV before finishing / handing in the coursework? Can they continue with the BTEC if a CFAV?
5 If the Staff Cadet wants to transition to SNCO or CFC role, do they have to become CI first?
6 If a cadet leaves at 18 but then wishes to return as CFAV before they are 20 are they able to do so? [Break in service]
7 What are the accommodation policies being changed to? Will this policy be released prior to 2 September?
8 With 18 to 20 year olds now able to apply for SNCO and CFC. Will the promotion periods be amended? Otherwise, we could end up with 26 year old WO’s.

After hearing the Comdt speak about O18 cadets, it’s increasingly clear that the new policy is just too confusing, convoluted and not fit for purpose. Have CFAVs had input into the policy and how it’s applied at Sqn level? Reading all of the comments above shows the collective confusion across the organisation.



Quite like this Logs guy. Actually seems well mannered, competent and mindful of volunteers

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Appears that even the JL DS weren’t aware of the plans until tonight…


Okay, this isn’t a ‘Townhall’, this is a load of policy being fired at us really quickly. This all so far feels like things that should have been given before hand, then the townhall been to discuss it all and answer questions.

If we had all this information before, we could have asked lots of questions and spent this time listening though the answers.


Apparently allowing questions at the end but it is already 4 mins over :grimacing:


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I like this concept…but probably trying to cram too much into one session

Also would of had other working group members in the background answering the chat Qs

To be fair, there’s some good people answering questions in the chat.

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This, it’s great to hear update “from the horses mouth”, but especially the O18 Cadet bit, it was all a bit much.

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I’m just here trying to cook dinner thinking I was going to listen to a nice chat, but there was information flying left right and centre!

Don’t get me wrong, this openness is great. We need more. But it would have been better to have it in writing before, surely?

Particularly if you’re someone who found out the course you’ve been supporting for years just got canned.

I know one of the people who founded the cse - I shall have to be very careful how I tell them….:frowning:

Was unable to attend last night so don’t know what happened but I thought the whole point of these was to create discussion. If they are only being used as another way of sending information out then we should just stick to a monthly briefing sheet. With only emergencies sent out differently. Adding further to the volunteer burden by adding another evening is wrong. People are disaffected by the decisions being made not the communication method. Top people should get out and talk to staff who then need to be honest not nasty but honest. We are suffering death by a thousand cuts and we need to reverse this drive to turn us into a classroom based organisation.


was a reason given for the cull to JL?

or simply “JL: it is no more…the next item on the agenda is…”

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I feel like I was at a different meeting to a lot on here, I thought there was good information even if bits did feel like they took a long time.

On the leadership this is what I took away;

The current gold leadership courses are gone because they are all teaching a different syllabus and there’s no continuity,

In place the plan is a single gold leadership course for 120 a year initially and if popular they will look so that regions can run it,

They like JLs, and it’ll continue but will need a re-write as it won’t include gold leadership.

I thought the information on the O18 was helpful (again delivery wasn’t perfect but the info was there) and we can help cadets make an informed decision whilst they are between 18-20.