MyRAFAC - Cadet mobile app for iOS and Android

Same, and the only ID, proof of membership, consent, etc, that they have.

Interesting comment. I wonder just how many squadrons have let this go, only to rush around when ID is needed

We were doing regular ID checks. Maybe time to bring them back


Was provision for those without compatible devices ever established?

Never seen anything concrete

Not centrally beyond CAC essentially accusing parents of neglect if their child didn’t have a smartphone and suggesting that squadrons should use their own funds to fill the gap.

Yeah, as far as I’ve seen it’s essentially died and is only really of use on annual camps or for squadrons based on military installations.
From what I remember the app seems to be a quite clunky Cadet Portal Lite (plus the one USP of the ID card) with an awful UI. This was the biggest let down for me, I kinda naively expected better from a flagship ‘Astra’ project.
I’m sure the backend is more than sufficient, and will have met the necessary pen test standards etc, but the frontend UI still feels like a MVP.

Well I know of 2 stations not accepting, and those cadets are having to use a 3822!!

How does that work for cadets who joined after they stopped being issued?

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It doesn’t even populate the events correctly - important info is missing.

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You physically cannot get order blank 3822’s any more - that will backfire!

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Unless a stockpile was built prior to instruction :roll_eyes:

Do you have any examples of what is missing, not had any reports of this locally

It was a couple of months ago, but the cadet showed me that there were no times listed for the event. When I looked at his MyRAFAC, the times from the events page did not show up on the MyRAFAC event page - I got around this by including the timings into the text of the SMS Event Description - I also noticed that this text was badly formatted - making it difficult to read.

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Hi all, I don’t know if anyone has had a similar issue, but when I am trying to view my MyRAFAC ID it doesn’t ever load. Even when I leave my phone to the side for ages, it still does not load. Having logged onto a different device it loaded straight away. I have tried to delete and reinstall my app, as well as doing the obvious restart the phone, trying different networks, etc… Before I go onto contact the Helpdesk, has anyone else experienced this before, and is there a quick fix I haven’t thought of? TIA.

There was bug early on if you didn’t have an approved photo?

Doesn’t it just show the photo from SMS? What makes it an approved photo?

OC has to approve photos that are submitted via the app, IIRC.

I last changed my photo in November, but had changed before and no problems. The workflow has been approved on SMS as I was with the OC when he did it.


Our cadets use the app but I have a lot that can’t as their phone is not compatible. I raised this shortcoming when it first came out. The official answer was to get the cadet to login on anothers phone or for the Squadron to buy some compatible phones that could be used.

In this new world of inclusion this was the best example of how to exclude someone and show their fellow cadets they couldn’t afford a compatible phone.

Access to MyRAFAC for those that have the app has been very patchy over the last 3 months. Cadets often say they can’t login and this goes on for days.