You know that’s not the reason, he’s clearly decided he doesn’t like the idea of some people in MTP and others in CS95 and has made his own rules.[/quote]
We don’t know what the reason is actually. he may well not like it but it’s a bit arrogant to think WE really know the reason.[/quote]
Well maybe your Sqn is from Middle Earth then. I can think of at least 10 cadets in my Sqn and at least another 10 in my old sqn who easily could be mistaken for being older.
Not all cadets are 3 foot nuffink. Some are big lads. My cadet son is 16 and looks older than his 21 year old cousin who has just returned from Afghanistan.[/quote]Yes, but put them in a squad with a dozen of the teenier ones and it’s soon clear.
Other than that, just go by the ATC beret badge and the fact that they’re (probably) an SNCO and a teenager.
Well maybe your Sqn is from Middle Earth then. I can think of at least 10 cadets in my Sqn and at least another 10 in my old sqn who easily could be mistaken for being older.
Not all cadets are 3 foot nuffink. Some are big lads. My cadet son is 16 and looks older than his 21 year old cousin who has just returned from Afghanistan.[/quote]Yes, but put them in a squad with a dozen of the teenier ones and it’s soon clear.
Other than that, just go by the ATC beret badge and the fact that they’re (probably) an SNCO and a teenager.[/quote]
£100 is waaaaayyy over priced!! Especially for Grade 1!
eBay is your friend. You could get brand new for around £60 or far less if you shop about.
Granted, the time to eBay shop for MTP was before the authorisation came. Now the prices will be inflated, but you should still be able to get a bargain. Certainly for less than £100.
[quote=“wdimagineer2b” post=11794]£100 is waaaaayyy over priced!! Especially for Grade 1!
eBay is your friend. You could get brand new for around £60 or far less if you shop about.
Granted, the time to eBay shop for MTP was before the authorisation came. Now the prices will be inflated, but you should still be able to get a bargain. Certainly for less than £100.[/quote]
Just take some biccies and/or beer to stores. Simples.
[quote=“MattB” post=11722][quote=“Baldrick” post=11709][quote=“talon” post=11708][quote=“Baldrick” post=11697][quote=“talon” post=11693][quote=“Baldrick” post=11692]
No wearing the lightweight jacket out as they wear smocks in the field without lightweight jackets underneath.[/quote]
Even in the height of summer? Harsh.[/quote]
Not a problem course only runs from September until April.
September can still get pretty toasty! If someone told me that I had to wear the smock in the field I would tell them politely to jog on.
[quote=“duty_pongo” post=11696]
Duty rumour but I heard you have to velcro it onto the blanking patches…[/quote]
I fail to see what that would accomplish - there is no velcro on the face of the blanking plates.[/quote]
It’s not too bad. Just a smock and a LIFA is quite comfortable with all the zips open (even better with the new pit zips I imagine.) By the time the field phase starts proper in January however, not having a lightweight jacket underneath makes layering much easier.[/quote]
Clearly not working hard enough then!
The primary point of the LW jacket is as a substitute for the field jacket, in hot weather.[/quote]
All I remember on my course was there being blistering sunshine for about 2 hours of test week, followed by 6 inches of snow. In April, In Norfolk. Thank God for my Montane Smock. And waterproof trousers, and long johns.
I know what you mean. I have the worlds supply of CS95 In our sqn stores and a shed load more personally at home. Enough to keep myself, staff and cadets going for many many years to cone. Parenting for combat clothing has never been much good for us (no amount of bribery / persuasion would get us more than the odd pair of trews once a year) so we will probably be a mix for ages yet until the bulk of the CS95 is worn out. It’s strangely noticeable that recently the army surplus stores round here have been very short on genuine CS95 so im guessing supply through them will dry up too soon and Maybe that combined with the necessity to issue SATTs and JLs with combat clothing has made the introduction of the policy necessary to avoid some people beginning to look like scarecrows. Of course some have stockpiled enough to last a while yet, but not everyone will be so lucky and eventually there will be no decent CS95 left. My guess is 5 years or so until the bulk of us are in MTP from whatever source and another couple of years for the last few to change too.
We can only live in hope![/quote]
So you want me to kill off one of the most popular threads on the site, one that has stayed mostly on topic, and been up to date with all ‘developments’…
Yeah, I know I’ve gone on about this thread. But in all honesty, it has been quite a funny one to follow.
But, on other threads on the ACC there have been many comments about uniformity. Now I don’t want to be cynical, but if we bleat about uniformity in one and then are happy to have cadets in different types of “Greens” in another it does seem to suggest a little bit of “two standards”.
Now the orders say we CAN wear MTP. It doesn’t say we HAVE to wear MTP. Despite their being no CO’s prerogative, surely in the name of uniformity, in a uniformed organisation, a CO can state that MTP should not be worn while his stores holds CS95. Cadets wanting to wear MTP is purely “because they can”. Some may even wear it just to stand out which again, as a uniformed organisation we should try to deter. Every Arm of HM Forces are trying to save money. Surely, under a sense of responsibility, we do the same. Whilst CS95 exists and is serviceable and is available off the stores shelf at no cost (sic)then let’s save money, set an example, show responsibility and bally well use it!!
The trouble is that most of the time when people are banging on here about ‘uniformity’ they’re wrong.
It’s the old noun vs adjective confusion - “If it’s not all the same it’s not uniform”. It’s just not the case.
As most sensible people know, a degree of uniformity is required on some occasions (parades & ceremonial) but as a working uniform people are generaly free to wear whichever mode is suitable. Cold? Wear a jersey. Dont’ like wearing a tie? Opt for short sleeves.
The RAF understand this, but a lot of people in the ATC fail to grasp the concept.
Although the arguments on these fora may appear to indicate double standards, the truth is that one standard is simply wrong.
Yeah, I see your point.
I’m just trying to “do my bit” in the money saving operation.
I just feel the fact that CS95 is on a lot, not all, of Sqn’s shelves then it seems a terrible waste to not use it.
At my old Sqn I even used to try and get hold of U/S CS95 and shred it so I could demonstrate to cadets how a Ghillie Suit under jacket could be made. We never wasted any of it!!