
[quote=“Baldrick” post=10646][quote=“wdimagineer2b” post=10645]I concur.
She’s wearing it; CTT have been authorized; SATTs have been authorized. It’s just a matter of time.[/quote]

Until what? Authorisation yes. Scaling no.

As for the rest of us, at a risk of repeating myself:

We will not be scaled MTP…[/quote]

[quote=“wdimagineer2b” post=10623]I think it unlikely at the moment.

Authorised - it’ll happen.
Scaled - not convinced.[/quote]


My bad - misread it.

Not sure who the individual may be but I’d put good money on it being someone to do with JL

[quote=“Baldrick” post=10646][quote=“wdimagineer2b” post=10645]I concur.
She’s wearing it; CTT have been authorized; SATTs have been authorized. It’s just a matter of time.[/quote]

Until what? Authorisation yes. Scaling no. Except for those branches of the organisation which are already scaled for CS95: SATT, CTT, Junior Leaders etc.

As for the rest of us, at a risk of repeating myself:

We will not be scaled MTP. We will not be scaled MTP. We will not be scaled MTP. We will not be scaled MTP. We will not be scaled MTP. We will not be scaled MTP. We will not be scaled MTP. We will not be scaled MTP. We will not be scaled MTP. We will not be scaled MTP. We will not be scaled MTP. We will not be scaled MTP. We will not be scaled MTP. We will not be scaled MTP. We will not be scaled MTP.[/quote]

So you don’t think we will be scaled?? :lol:

[quote=“wdimagineer2b” post=10651][quote=“Baldrick” post=10646][quote=“wdimagineer2b” post=10645]I concur.
She’s wearing it; CTT have been authorized; SATTs have been authorized. It’s just a matter of time.[/quote]

Until what? Authorisation yes. Scaling no.

As for the rest of us, at a risk of repeating myself:

We will not be scaled MTP…[/quote]

[quote=“wdimagineer2b” post=10623]I think it unlikely at the moment.

Authorised - it’ll happen.
Scaled - not convinced.[/quote]


My apologies, I am even less convinced as you can see.

:smiley: So I notice…

[quote=“zinggy” post=10648][quote=“themajor” post=10647][quote=“wdimagineer2b” post=10645]I concur.
She’s wearing it; CTT have been authorized; SATTs have been authorized. It’s just a matter of time.[/quote]

1 individual in the RAFVR(T) has been authorised. SATTs, JLs & CTT will be scaled, plan is Sept 1st authorisation for ACO personnel so that JL can then be issued their kit. TMK

By my book that means anyone who can be bothered to purchase or obtain via biscuits can then wear it.[/quote]

What individual in the RAFVR(T) has been authorised to wear it?? if you mean CAC she is RAFR not VR(T) thats why she can wear it she follows AP1358 not 1358C

Well as your book should be AP1358C untill it says you can you cant.[/quote]

1 SATT member is authorised at present.

At present their is a ban on ACO personnel by order of CAC, this should be lifted for all and not just for SATTs & JL or others scaled. But my book is AP1358c, what i’m saying is my opinion, which IIRC I am entitled too…

To be honest I don’t really care either way, I prefer CS95 and if they are going to authorise it - as an email has just confirmed to us but not scale us for it - I for one won’t be buying it, its bad enough I bought all my CS95 kit to have to replace it out of my own pocket is just plain wrong. Its also plain wrong that cadets have sourced or bought CS95 to now be told sorry it was a waste of money - I have already warned my cadets not to buy any replacement kit until we know for definite either way. And the massive stock we just got for free from the army is gonna be about just good enough to go on a car boot or ebay…

I put enough of my own money into my squadron without having to buy yet more kit because of a policy change.

[quote=“incubus” post=10652]

Not sure who the individual may be but I’d put good money on it being someone to do with JL[/quote]

No, she’s not. But I’m sure she probably has direct approval from CAC


No it’s not. Noone is ordering you to replace your CS95.

It’s hard luck really. Authorising MTP is the right choice. There may well be cadets who’ve just bought CS95 and will suddenly think “Ohhhhh. If I’d waited I could have bought the shiny new uniform instead…” but that’s just the way it goes. It’s certainly not “plain wrong”; it’s tough luck - like much of life.

[quote=“spicester” post=10658]And the massive stock we just got for free from the army is gonna be about just good enough to go on a car boot or ebay…

I put enough of my own money into my squadron without having to buy yet more kit because of a policy change.[/quote]

There will not be a ban on wearing DPM for a good few years to come. There’s no requirement to buy more kit, and any unit that ditches their free CS95 would be utterly mad.

But I’m more interested in this comment:

Which email was that?

When I was at OIC a couple of weeks ago FS Moss confirmed we are going to be authorised MTP. it’s going to take a hike for it to filter through tho. We will not be allowed to mix CS95/MTP.

My Bold. How is that ever going to happen unless cadets get issued MTP. Whole units won’t change over night it will be a gradual thing, most likely starting with newer cadets who are getting their first set. What about Wing Camps/RAnge days etc.

I for one will not be spending money on MTP unnecessarily, I do intend to start upgrading my kit, some of which I’ve had for 7 years now, and new webbing pouches will be MTP, no point buying redundant kit. But my CS95 wont be replaced until they either don’t fit, or are worn through.

My Bold. How is that ever going to happen unless cadets get issued MTP. Whole units won’t change over night it will be a gradual thing, most likely starting with newer cadets who are getting their first set. What about Wing Camps/RAnge days etc.

I for one will not be spending money on MTP unnecessarily, I do intend to start upgrading my kit, some of which I’ve had for 7 years now, and new webbing pouches will be MTP, no point buying redundant kit. But my CS95 wont be replaced until they either don’t fit, or are worn through.[/quote]

Well that’s fair enough, it’s your money. But you cannot seriously be advocating mixed dress on an individual? CS95 Trousers, MTP Smock etc? It would look ridiculous.
Mixed dress on a unit, with individuals wearing different full sets or either pattern will be a reality for a good time. (As will CS95 Waterproofs with MTP, but even the regulars have to deal with that atm.) Stop crying for an issue of MTP. IT’s NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. So stop looking for problems and start looking for solutions.

Quite right, my clothing will be just the one pattern

[quote=“cilewis” post=10663] We will not be allowed to mix CS95/MTP.[/quote]Not on the same body, no. Having different people in a group wearing different variants of No3 dress will be unavoidable*.

*[size=2] well, obviously we can avoid it but not by an reasonable means.[/size]

Exactly, not on the same body.

It will be in the updated 1358c

FS Moss basically said that we have to manage it ourselves on the ground. Its up to us if we allow mixed patterns on sqn.

As some regular units live with mixed pattern cabbage patch kit due to pers not being issued MTP, there is no reason why the ACO should not put up with it. Otherwise it would appear that some ACO units think themselves above the regular service. Oh hang on, too late… :wink:

Why are some so desperate to wear MTP? Quickest why to alienate the cadets and make them feel second best is for cash rich adults to suddenly start wearing it!

It must be an ego thing to impress the neighbors or the fuel pump attendant whilst on the way to run the youth club.

I can appreciate the logical reasons for and against. For example cost, supply, service image, &c.

What I don’t understand are those who would bin perfectly good DPMs so that they can wear MTP sooner; nor do I understand those who are dead against anyone who shows an interest in obtaining MTP.

Personally, I couldn’t give a toss whether people wear PCS or CS95.

^ That.

As I’ve said all along, it’s about ensuring that I (and everybody else) has a serviceable No 3 uniform. My CS95 is not that new and will wear out eventually at which point I will get a replacement; considering how difficult it is to get hold of decent CS95 (which is seriously compounded by getting it in a size as unusual as mine) I do rather hope that the authority to wear MTP is granted before then.

I couldn’t care less whether I’m the first or last person on my squadron to be wearing it.

Christ is this still going on??!!