[quote=“steve679” post=9866]a direct question to all those who think we should have MTP/PCS over DPM for whatever reason (ie if the supply chain for CS95 DPM woodland permitted infinite wear you’d still vote for PCS)
is this simply to look “more RAF”??
i ask as it occurred to me, go back 5 years in blues and greens we (ATC) looked like the RAF (from a distance) and could easily be mistaken as such.
return to modern day and in blues we can still be mistaken for regulars, but in greens less likely given the “out of sync” uniform pattern.
but wait, go back 5 years again…that comment about blues isn’t right…Cadets wear working blue, and would be unlikely to be mistaken for RAF regulars (by regulars or otherwise)
return to modern day and it is still isn’t right, Cadets in blues still have the distinction
there is a difference in uniform, whether in blues or greens between Cadets and the RAF Regulars and I suspect it is the “walts” in the organisation wanting to be more (mistaken for) “RAF” than are so keen for PCS
it is interesting to me that most comments for MTP/PCS have been from Staff than the Cadets (in my opinion and experience).
an interesting post on the “you know when you have been a Cadet too long when…” Facebook page i noticed by Cadets on the topic of MTP quickly raised the subject of its cost, and how the ATC comes at the very bottom of any budgets with regard to uniform, a very sensible conclusion and argument which soon fizzled out.
While on ACC (which has been mainly staff discussion) it is its merits over CS95, how much "better“ it is and the advantages in the field (and recently how, a uniform we’re not permitted to wear, should be worn!)…all which are null and void when the operational “combat” role of the ATC does not need the advantages that MTP/PCS brings over CS95
CS95 was not replaced because it doesn’t work, because it is too expensive (it would seem cheaper than MTP), because it isn’t comfortable, or because the supply chain didn’t work, it was and is a viable “greens” uniform for the best part of 15+ years replaced due to an improvement rather than out of necessity. It was and is a credible uniform so why are people so against using it?
is this a case of Staff wanting to look like regulars, which 5 years ago they could, and modern day they now don’t?
and because of this the wearing of greens now puts them in a position where they are clearly ATC instructors/CFAVs rather than regular Air Force?
Personally and to mixed topics here, if we could (long term, through sustainable supply) stay in CS95 would the restriction on CIs wearing CS95 be lifted? With the distinction between RAF and ATC clear the bug bare of RAF SWOs seeing civilians waltz around in “uniform” on their Station with no beret mistaken for a regular would disappear…[/quote]
Personally, I think there are marked advantages to looking more regular. (Yes, I shall now be defending walting.)
Firstly, the advantage you keep referring to of looking less regular in the eyes of the public doesn’t exist. The public, (unless they have served themselves,) cannot tell the difference between a regular and a cadet or CFAV. They can’t do it because they don’t have ‘the eye’ for the various nuances which give it away. Subtle differences such as AIR CADETS emblazoned on our cadets’ chests don’t register. As Talon put it, all the public see is camouflage.
So, if there are no advantages to be gained from either uniform, then that in itself is an argument for staying in CS95. Aside from the fact that your plan to stay in CS95 would cost more money to the MOD than letting us wear MTP. Because, simply letting us beg, borrow and scrounge MTP costs nothing. Whereas producing CS95 purely for our benefit will cost money.
So, are there advantages to CFAVs being in MTP? I say yes. I say this because I know staff who have had to attend range conferences, shooting conferences and training area briefings in CS95. And they all agree that there is a marked difference in the way they are treated now that they are easily distinguishable from the regulars in MTP. We have become visibly identifiable as second class and it is putting us as an organisation at a disadvantage. I think someone else on here mentioned that people in CS95 now on base look strange and old fashioned and it’s true.
Now, I don’t mean to say that we are as important as regulars, we clearly aren’t. But the abilities and merits of our staff should be judged on that and not the camouflage pattern we wear.
MTP is coming. It’s a fact. The dwindling supplies of CS95 and the free availability of MTP on the surplus market mean it will happen and perhaps sooner than we thought. I think debating how we wear it before we get it means for the first time we may have a uniform policy which is pro-active not reactive.