
The key problem for me is that you would be corporatising a military uniform.

Slapping company names onto sports kit, vehicles etc. is the accepted norm but tagging the uniform with the same logos (even if more discreet) just feels wrong.

I’ve no problem if a company wants to throw some cash our way for a photo op or a public PR thing but I’d like to think that they’d be content with the warm, fuzzy feeling it gave rather than turning us into the marching equivalent of an F1 car (OK, that’s a gross exaggeration but spare me the poetic license)

[quote=“incubus” post=9213]The key problem for me is that you would be corporatising a military uniform.

Slapping company names onto sports kit, vehicles etc. is the accepted norm but tagging the uniform with the same logos (even if more discreet) just feels wrong.

I’ve no problem if a company wants to throw some cash our way for a photo op or a public PR thing but I’d like to think that they’d be content with the warm, fuzzy feeling it gave rather than turning us into the marching equivalent of an F1 car (OK, that’s a gross exaggeration but spare me the poetic license)[/quote]

So what exactely is the corporate branding that you are “annoyed enough about already”…?

I wouldn’t worry too much about the ‘branding’ we have now. Rumour is that the current RAF TRF the VR(T) wear is moving to ops use only. The RAF will get a new one which will probably be less military and more like the navy ones. (the ‘Fly Navy’ badges etc)

I also heard that the whole ACO will get a new set of badges, including the VR(T) same for all ranks.

They all maintain their own private stashes to avoid any such problems :wink:

Given that the temperate version is what ACO would inherit, I’ll stick with breathable lighter weight CS95 for as long as possible.

I Wouldn’t say CS95 is lighter and more breathable well at least I didn’t find it was to wear

Seconded. MTP has the advantage of being “lighter” in colour too. The only down side to MTP/PCS is the arm patches. At least we’re allowed to roll the sleeves up now! :slight_smile:

Mine is sufficiently washed out! :mrgreen:

And doesn’t feature a crotch pot cooker.

Breathable? It certainly didn’t feel breathable in Nijmegen last week!

That’s without the beer jacket.

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MTP has now been officially released by the MOD and is up for genuine sale.

I believe that we should keep all cadets in DPM. This is due to several factors:

  1. It will give a clear visual distinction from cadets and serving personnel
  2. The pattern is only for about 1 month in the year and DPM is far better all year round, it also does not work as well as DPM at night.
  3. The uniforms look’s far smarter than the latest PCS.

This is my personal thought but i am happy to hear what other think

I would also like to add many years ago they even made in DPM cadet issue clothing that was made smaller!

The army have made the MTP with the seasons in mind and if you look at the label some are tropical (lighter like the 95’s) and some are temperate and so a bit heavier and thicker.

[quote=“armysurplusandtoys” post=9509]…I believe that we should keep all cadets in DPM. This is due to several factors:

  1. It will give a clear visual distinction from cadets and serving personnel
  2. The pattern is only for about 1 month in the year and DPM is far better all year round, it also does not work as well as DPM at night.
  3. The uniforms look’s far smarter than the latest PCS…[/quote]

which, again, shows what you know.

  1. i would have though the visual distguishing factor between Cadets and members of the Armed Forces is that cadets are a group of children, and the Armed Forces are a group of adults. you don’t, i assume, have a problem with RAF blue uniforms for cadets…?

  2. MTP is demonstratably better at concealment than DPM in any European environment with the exception of coniforous forests in low light conditions where it is marginally less effective. on hill, moor, mountain, agricultural land, forests in daylight, heathland, urban and any other environment it is significantly better than DPM and is so all year round.

  3. CS95/DPM is no longer being made, it is running out. MTP PCS is less forml than CS95, but its not less smart than CS95 that doesn’t fit, faded, and is more repair than orginal.

the choice is not between DPM and MTP, the choice is between servicable clothing and non-servicable clothing.

[quote=“armysurplusandtoys” post=9509]MTP has now been officially released by the MOD and is up for genuine sale.

I believe that we should keep all cadets in DPM. This is due to several factors:

Only good as long as surplus supplies hold out. Surplus MOD stock has actually been managed this time as opposed to when CS95 was introduced so there is less surplus. There will be some extra when the ACF/CCF roll out is complete but in a couple of years you will feel the pinch.

Joe public can’t tell the difference and the rest of us don’t really care. If you have a lot of issues with cadets being mistaken for soldiers you are doing something wrong. It never happens with us!

I’m not sure who told you that, but it isn’t true. MTP is effective all year round and is better than DPM on average. Night or day makes no difference. It is the surroundings that are the deciding factor. DPM is designed specifically for deep dark forests whereas MTP is designed to be effective across multiple terrains.

When worn properly CS95 is only marginally smarter than PCS. I do miss stable belts though. I still wear it but no one can see it.

PCS is available in the same sizing range as CS95. I have never seen any cadet specific CS95s. Historically, everything made specifically for cadets has been crap, so I wouldn’t suggest going down that path!

The army have made the MTP with the seasons in mind and if you look at the label some are tropical (lighter like the 95’s) and some are temperate and so a bit heavier and thicker.[/quote]

Not exactly true. There are three types of MTP clothing:

  1. Tropical MTP - this is CS95 pattern clothing in an MTP pattern and was produced as a UOR for troops in Afghanistan. No longer produced.
  2. Temperate MTP PCS CU - Standard issue for the UK and Europe, the current issue PCS clothing.
  3. Warm weather MTP PCS CU - Standard issue for warm climates…usually. I don’t know if there is a big difference in material but it is treated with an insect repellent. I have some warm weather PCS at home and there isn’t a huge different between it and temperate.

The next version of temperate PCS will have the modified jacket and will also be treated with insect repellent. I believe the idea is also to phase out the warm weather version and have one for everyone.

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I don’t know what colour uniform you wear at work, but there was a directive last year that allowed RAF to tuck the ‘shirt’ (yes, I know) in, and I’ve seen that a lot on camp this year.

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I’m an ACF type so we wear it untucked. On the plus side it is nice and breezy!

i’ll be watching this with some interested

a “petition” to get the ATC into MTP/PCS

with regard to the comments, personally after spending time at RIAT i am all up for ATC in CS95/woodland DPM

with the 10s of 1000s of public it was so much easier to distinguishe between Cadet regular.
the Cadets were either in working blue or DPM while all the RAF were in PCS
i think it gives us an improved identity to have a “unique” uniform for Cadet Forces. of course it is only worth pushing it if the supply chain is guaranteed, which we all know its not. but i for one will not be joining the band wagon to jump on board the PCS bandwagon because i want to look “RAF” i’m ATC and not trying to be anything else!

Its still hard enough to get CS95’s and we must be the only people in the world that still use it.

I get cadets asking about MTP all the time in fact I had one that bought a load at RIAT then turned up wearing it!! He wont do that again.

[quote=“steve679” post=9808]i’ll be watching this with some interested

a “petition” to get the ATC into MTP/PCS

with regard to the comments, personally after spending time at RIAT i am all up for ATC in CS95/woodland DPM

with the 10s of 1000s of public it was so much easier to distinguishe between Cadet regular.
the Cadets were either in working blue or DPM while all the RAF were in PCS
i think it gives us an improved identity to have a “unique” uniform for Cadet Forces. of course it is only worth pushing it if the supply chain is guaranteed, which we all know its not. but i for one will not be joining the band wagon to jump on board the PCS bandwagon because i want to look “RAF” i’m ATC and not trying to be anything else![/quote]

I cant look at this as im at work but im guessing a cadet started this up?? It wont work and its a waste of time

We aren’t so much ‘allowed’ as ‘required to’.

It looks ok if either a) you have enough circumference to account for all the extra material (and in fact I’d say fat blokes look better tucked in since it avoids the maternity look) or b) being a svelte, youthful killing machine like myself, you drop your trousers routinely on the hour to tuck back in all that extra material that’s pulled itself over the waistband every time you raise your arms, bend over or sit down and is now sticking out in every direction with the help of the rigid Velcro.

interesting. i saw two RAF personnel. two females, one a SAC the other a Cpl both in PCS and only one had their shirt tucked in.

personally i prefer the tucked in look, however appreciate as a working dress if actively working either would be acceptable, much like a berets on/off, a beret can be in the way, or impractical to wear (keeps falling/knocked) off due to the task but when the task is over a return to the tucked in format