
I do not foresee it being issued to squadrons. If anything, we will keep with the current situation of trying to get hold of it and wearing it if we have it.

On that basis, the way forward will be:

  • ACO personnel granted permission to wear PCS (not mixing MTP/DPM clothing on any individual)
  • ACO eventually replaces CS95 with PCS over time.

There may well be injections of PCS into the supply chain which will help us along our way but I can’t see it being a formal issue unless we find a large amount of spare money (which could be put to better use) or there is a radical shift in dress policy.

We are in a fairly good position with CS95 at the moment, certainly compared to 10 or 15 years ago, where it seems that very few cadets are going without. In 10 years time we may be in a similar place with PCS.

CAC was at our Wing Conference in Jan and was asked if a plan was in place, the short answer was no, but did indicate as money is likely to be an issue She may be looking at sponsorship, BAE, Marshall style company paying for the MTP uniform with a TRF style badge on an arm with the sponsors logo…

There is never going to be a roll out of PCS. It’s not going to happen without a lot of money being spent.

The best we will get, is what we currently have now with CS95. We don’t have it issued, we beg, borrow and steal it. Before last week none of those were an option. So whereas before the restriction in the dress regs was to protect us, as it was an offence to own it. We as an organisation were only really asking for it to be issued to us, because before it was released on to the disposal channels being issued it was the only way to get it. Now we can happily go and acquire it as we always have. Which is why it is now purely a dress issue.

Depends if we have to wait for the dress Gods (read: Warrants) to sort out a chapter on PCS.

Well, that may not be that far away, and at least it is a possibility now it isn’t illegal to wear it.

[quote=“steve679” post=9173] with the sponsors logo…[/quote]I’d sooner wear rags.

I have to agree with you its not like we need more badges we are not the scouts

i expected that reply…but CAC said “i’m not proud” and i have to agree with her.

with the conversation in another thread about money and the MOD reduced budget year on year we (Cadet Forces) will be squeezed more and more in the support that we are offered, particularly if we keep ex[anding in size - more “customers” to support with less money to do so…

personally if it guarantees a source of kit which is fit for purpose i dont mind. i have no preference between CS95 and MTP, as MattB said before [quote]At the end of the day, what I do care about is that we have a decent, serviceable ‘combat’ uniform which we can actually get hold of! [/quote]

if it requires a badge in additon to the AIR CADET/RAF Flash and TRF then so be it if the system works. the regulars have more badges than us, particularly now MTP is in use and the various velcor pacthes, qualification badges, Squadron/flight badges/logos/identifiers, blood type indicators…

[quote=“steve679” post=9182]the regulars have more badges than us, particularly now MTP is in use and the various velcor pacthes, qualification badges, Squadron/flight badges/logos/identifiers, blood type indicators…[/quote]It is the nature of the badge, not the quantity. I’m annoyed enough that we are already tagged with our current sponsor’s corporate branding.

Then quit! Hardly the end of the world is it?

I’d love to see your face* when the RAF needs to take up corporate sponsorship due to lack of funding and ends with “sponsored by Qinetiq” on your coveralls or with sponsors names on rank slides :wink:

*[size=1]actually, I’d hate that.[/size]

[size=5]Royal Air Force[/size]
[size=2]a British Army subsidiary.[/size]

I’d love to see your face* when the RAF needs to take up corporate sponsorship due to lack of funding and ends with “sponsored by Qinetiq” on your coveralls or with sponsors names on rank slides :wink:

*[size=1]actually, I’d hate that.[/size][/quote]

Meh, wouldn’t bother me in the least. When representing the RAF at sport, my sports gear already has sponsors on it. Far bigger fish to fry really.

Anyways, this corporate sponsorship you speak of, why does it annoy you so much that there are RAF Logos in cadet stuff, yet you are happy to wear RAF uniform?

I think it annoys 1 in every 2,000 staff.

my comment was in reference to zinggy’s post on the number of badges being like the Scouts

with reference to sponsorship the Sqn t-shirts we had previously had a local business company across the back “123 (Anytown) Sqn, proudly sponsored by Endevour Inc.”

I think it annoys 1 in every 2,000 staff.[/quote]

Can you reference that with hard factual evidence though? We need to know, maybe an FOI in the making…?

On this one im with SS I don’t know anyone that is annoyed about the RAF logos I mean we are part of the RAF granted in a very lose term so what’s the problem?

COUGH! Split Topic Cough.

This was OK until I got to the word ‘plan’, I don’t have the faith in HQAC to plan their own tea, coffee and biscuits for a meeting, let alone anything else.

I tend to agree with others in that we will carry on as normal and scrounge. It has served us well for the best part of 75 years (probably) and much better than anything they might try and put in place officially. The stuff I’ve managed to acquire over the years as many others have by developing relationships with people in the stores, would make some HQAC types wince.

As for the sponsorship thing on a corporate level is something that I’ve said will come, because in the face of a dwindling RAF ergo money/kit from defence sources, we aren’t going to get the same we’ve had for ages, forever. This is why we need to have people in HQAC who are savvy wrt negotiating corporate fund-raising (not lotteries) and sponsorship deals, that will benefit every single sqn.

Many sqns have sponsorship for sports kit, t-shirts and SOVs, the latter providing combinations in a couple of instances free MOT, annual service and reduced costs for other work. All of these have company names splattered all over them. If this was to happen with “DPM” kit, so what, it’s not like we are ever going to be operationally tactical, and, if it meant we were able to by-pass all the service yes you can/no you can’t posturing and everyone got it, where’s the problem.