King Charles portrait

Would suggest centralised MOD procurement.

But MOD was in their own pull-down menu.


If the images published here were higher resolution I would just ask Cranwell Graphics to print a load of the sqn’s of my Wing.

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Good Afternoon

Thank you for your online query form.

A Scheme is being developed to provide cadet units with portraits of his majesty the king and we anticipate you will be contacted through your line of command in due course.

Thank you



Meanwhilst, we anticipate not holding our breath.

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I look forward to receiving our Charles III portrait just in time for William’s ascension to the throne.


New official portrait of King Charles III released for public authorities - GOV.UK.

“Applications are open for eligible institutions - including principal Local Authorities, courts, schools, police forces and fire and rescue services - to apply for the new portrait under the scheme. In February, the scheme will be extended to include town, parish and community councils and Ministry of Defence-sponsored cadet forces.”

So, just wait out for how to apply!


We [Cubiquity] have now launched a new site specifically for Cadet Forces for you to place an order.

If you can follow the link below to re-register so that we are able to verify your details and start the process for you to place an order.

New Cadet Forces specific Kings Portrait scheme has been launched.


Just done it. Really quick and efficient system to register and order.

If you want to do it you need to order by 28th March. Delivery likely in April/May.


Just ordered my squadron’s one. Registered yesterday, registration approved this morning and order submitted took less than 3 minutes all told. Hope delivery goes as smoothly.


Well, my pacakge arrived yesterday; haven’t opened it up yet, will do that on the sqn.

However, on my personal RAFAC email account (the address used to register / order, this came through this morning!

“Your ACCTIM LTD order will be delivered today between 11:25-12:25”

That said, the text alert y’day was OK.

I’ve just picked mine up. Very large box!

It is bigger than I thought……… not sure on where in the Sqn I’m going to put it :upside_down_face:

On the wall above the urinals?

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For some reason this thread has reminded me of this meme

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Got our portrait up, staring out of our front door. It was that or above my desk and I didn’t fancy Charlie judging me from on high so out in the corridor he went.

anyone else not received the portrait yet. our unit ordered early on in mid feb, got the order confirmation and it’s still not yet been shipped. Have chased via the email address on website and not yet heard anything.

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The delivery occured yesterday of our Sqn-issue portrait of King Charles (by courier, 1930hrs Saturday…as might nowadays be (un)expected).

No pre-warn emails or texts, but at least it has arrived.

It is (as others have already mentioned) a massive overall package, and a large heavy very high quality framed photographic portrait of HM wearing the uniform of Admiral of the Fleet.

My eyes were immediately drawn to what I initially thought was a design error regarding the small embossed/printed gilt Royal Cypher that’s above the picture, on the internal perimeter framing card.

I actually knew about this ages ago, regarding the King’s cyphers, but I’d entirely-forgotten about it until now (plus: this is the first time I’ve seen this visually as a design, rather than just a verbal description).

I take it that because we’re a squadron in Scotland, our issued coronation portrait of HMTK has the version of his Royal Cypher that looks like this

For those of you who haven’t seen this version before, you’ll immediately feel it looks familiar, which it does, but maybe for the wrong reasons (the crown looks very-similar to the Queen’s EIIR cypher, but is really the Crown of Scotland…which, as many people never noticed, was actually used in Scotland by HM Queen Elizabeth II throughout her entire reign)

…and presumably for squadrons in England & Wales, they will receive portraits printed with the version of the Cypher which is becoming a lot more familiar in the media (and I take it also on buildings etc down south? I have been to England a few times since The King ascended to the throne, but can’t remember having seen it ‘in the flesh’)

(I can’t work-out what version of the CIIIR Royal Cypher might appear on portraits issued to NI squadrons, because although they’re in our Region, ie S&NI, I suppose constitutionally (and heraldically?) they might be treated as per England & Wales…despite being very Scottish in lots of ways)

And I’ve just realised: might it be that for some reason the entire production line of all these issued Royal Portraits UK-wide will be marked with the Scottish version of the King’s Cypher??? That’s unlikely, but possible.

So come along please, any England / Wales / NIreland based ATC squadron or CCF(RAF) contingent, of the RAFAC…which version of the King’s cypher is on your new-issue Royal portrait?

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I’ll have a look later, I’m taking advantage of the long weekend, for some reason one with no cadet activities, to actually sit in the office and do some OC stuff

(Rather than run around fixing things, filing holes in training programme and generally herding cats)