King Charles portrait

If there’s anything physical you need a hand with rather than paperwork let me know and I can pop down to help this afternoon.

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I’m hoping to look at our training priorities for the next 6-9 months, though I’m less tempted to go to the Sqn now given the weather!

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It is indeed the ‘English’ crown

I think offically it may be classed as the ‘British Crown’, not just because the Union of the Crowns in 1603 to form the United Kingdom, but also because of the Welsh/NI & Commonwealth contexts.

Here’s a closeup of our actual Scottish one (‘framed’ identically, for proper comparison)

I’m impressed that the suppliers did this automatically and didn’t require Scottish units to request their “special” version. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Given the state of so many things at the moment, I was pleasantly surprised about both the process to get the portrait and its quality.


We just got our Portrait yesterday, it’s too big to go where we had our EIIR/DofE portrait, so we’ve had to shift one of the Sqn Warrants down a place :joy:

I’m sure that someone will moan about it! Why don’t we have one of him in his RAF uniform, or if a Cadet turned up with hair like that…

Ours doesn’t. Probably should tbh.