Keeping Squadrons Going with Coronavirus (Technology)

I disagree

We have a couple of staff WhatsApp groups
How adults communicate about what we do is of no ones concern, unless we are swapping information at “Official” or above, then l don’t see an issue about using other platforms.

Does that mean my training officer and I can’t meet up in a pub, without a chaperone??


I would suggest that if that is what was meant then they’d have been much more explicit.

For instance, every staff WhatsApp group would be closed. Every Facebook group would be closed. I’m sure you’ve already closed all of yours, haven’t you…
Until they direct us otherwise, we’ll crack on as we are.

You’re like the cadets I see on leadership tasks who invent their own limitations and make things ten times harder for themselves.

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Not for comms.
For training.

We have whatsapp as staff.
But if you are having a training session or formal meeting as part of the org my reading is that it must happen on teams.

Like I say, that’s what we are doing. No ones going to gove the slightest crud anyway. Nor be able to police it so who cares.

My sole aim ATC wise is that come sept 2020 or 2021 whenever we meet again, my Sqn stands among the ruins of the Corps.

In any case, the British Army allow WhatsApp for day to day business, and I see the cabinet are using zoom for their dial in conferencing…

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It’s Google Tech, but the techniques don’t change when it comes to delivering online.

You do apparently :wink:

You’ve rather just agreed with exactly what was originally said.

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Just having worked out your name tag… I think you have spent too much time in fantasy land… time to come back to reality.

It’s been made very clear that Teams is the only method acceptable for discussing RAFAC business.

Hence each ‘team’ has a security classification of OFFICIAL.

Yes the ibn references for ‘cadet training’ but quite frankly everything else points towards using teams only.

I get really sick of 2 things.

  1. HQAC not releasing clear enough Comms, even when they do release it’s a shambles.
  2. People who off, do their own thing. Then when told NO, get the hump and have a paddy.

As I understand it from the Comms on teams, specifically the Bader group/team thread there is follow up specific guidance to come out soon reference Teams.

Hopefully it will include a phrase like “all RAFAC communications not by voice telephone, is to occur via recognised RAFAC software. E.g email or teams.”

If it doesnt. It should.
Zero ambiguity then.

And if such a phase is included in new policy, then that makes us all outlaws since we’re talking about “RAFAC Business” here, and all those wings and teams that have facebook groups . . .

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Goodbye to all WhatsApp chats, facebook messenger chats, texts, facetime, Skype etc then?

We’ve switched to Teams entirely for staff meetings now too even though Zoom is the better product.

Maybe…but HQAC have always wanted rid of this place anyway.

Cake and eat it come to mind.

In one fell swoop they could circle the wagons and be done with many of those little safe guarding issues, like encrypted what’s app chats and facebook chats.
Let alone now video calls between staff and cadets.
When you think about it, this lock down has probably overnight increased the safeguarding risk 100 fold. Now that every cadet is being told to video call staff etc etc. (Or that’s how the malignant tumours in society will play it to get access to kiddies)
Etc etc

Yes. That would be good.

Official channels only then.
I mean what’s wrong with that?
Just download teams on your phone… boom it replaces all that other crud. Keeps all the RAFAC stuff in one place… AND is fully auditable if needed.

Each Sqn has a team already setup by the bader guys. OCs can just add the rest of the staff by their personal emails.
Get staff to download teams on phone.
Boom. Done.

Nothing is wrong with any of it, but this is all based on something that you yourself have said is not part of current policy. . .

The current policy is to use teams for cadet training. thats it. nothing else. volunteers can do what they want.

except you can’t add non bader accounts to a team, and wold have to do that for each meeting instead.



MOD Accreditor does not allow guest access to the Team, just meetings, and we lose the 1:many calling capability if we do not retain the MS Licence uplift

Ok still.
Add them for meetings.

Once personal accounts come out. It becomes a non-issue.

A bridge to cross at that time. Not to worry about now.

if. . . I don’t think it’s a given atm. :wink:

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Like I said. I await with baited breath the clarification.

Knowing HQAC it will.

  1. Take forever to be forthcoming.
  2. Fall massive short of what is needed.

Until that point. We are using teams for all cadet AND staff meetings.

Dude… Relax.