Toying with a few ideas to make things more interactive. Some things though you won’t know if it works until you try it.
How are people managing 1st class training, without access to their books?
and have a stab at what’s completed to avoid recovering too much.
When I closed up my squadron at the weekend, I took all the books home. So we know what their progress is, there is a digital book on SharePoint and they can do the bits they haven’t done!
We missed the boat on that one.
Fully clothed, sat in the bath with Broomstick.
Just go to Sqn… but shhhhhhh dont tell anyone.
If you go by yourself, isolate and see no one. You have not risked anything.
So whilst scrolling through facebook, I’ve noticed that there’s still a few squadrons out there still using zoom, considering that we had the IBN come out about only using teams. Has this not cascaded properly or are squadrons just fully ignoring what HQAC have implemented, useful or not?
Most likely just sticking to what they know.
A bit of both I reckon.
I suspect that there are a few people who haven’t checked their email since we shut down.
With the coming of BST and starting virtual parades during daylight, don’t forget to raise and lower the ensign each parade night
We used Zoom for a staff meeting this week because I’d already arranged it before the IBN came out and didn’t want to unnecessarily confuse some of the less tech savvy staff.
Going to try Teams next week for the meeting but may go back to Zoom if that works better. The IBN doesn’t prohibit meetings outside of Teams.
We do the same. Zoom for staff and teams for cadets so far. We are tagging meetings on to the end of parade nights though as we are already on.
How much clearer does the ibn need to be?
Dont use anything other than teams. It is the approved software.
Whether you like that or not, thems the rules.
Just like ‘no cross lane firing’
“But it doesnt specify that we cant on a tuesday”
Just follow the rules and stop trying to find work arounds.
Exact wording of the IBN (“Accordingly, all delivery of online training to cadets outside of Bader is prohibited and is to cease with immediate effect”) is quite clear that it only refers to delivery of training to cadets.
If no training and no cadets are involved, then, by the words in that IBN, you’re free to use anything else.
It is very clear that it only applies to the delivery of online training to cadets.
It says nothing about how adults contact each other. We could facetime each other if we wanted.
The rules literally don’t apply to the situation I outline. We have no intention of using anything but Teams for online training but from personal experience I find it clunkier and harder to use than Zoom.
But we all know that is not what they meant!
Jesus. The pedants on here.
Personally I couldn’t care less what other Sqns do.
It’s survival of the fittest.
I would suggest that it is exactly what they meant because it addresses a safeguarding concern.
Even if it wasn’t what they thought they meant, it IS what they wrote and, therefore , it IS policy!
Policy isn’t predicated upon what individuals think they actually meant. What kind of idiot world would that be?
Do we?
Apparently some of you dont.
Dont forget safeguarding extends to staff also.