Keeping Squadrons Going with Coronavirus (Technology)

If you turn video on they can see you
If they turn video on you can see them

So that function hasn’t been locked down by bader team.

Using in a test later today

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The choice on cameras, at the moment, sits with squadrons I think as Bader haven’t decreed that aspect. I’ve come up with a work around for the GDPR and email address issue.

Set up the meeting through teams and send the invite to the squadron staff. Go back in to that appointment and you will see a link at the bottom ‘Join Teams Meeting’. Copy this text and send in a separate email to cadets, using bcc for their email addresses obviously. This was tried and tested last night and works.

Is anyone using the office 365 learning site that Bader sent out? There is loads of stuff on there to help.

Well, latest announcement today = all RAFAC face to face activities ban to extend to 31 Aug, on-line learning / trg is going to be the only viable contact

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trying to play with Teams and non-account holders (cadets) joining a scheduled meeting.

I copy the

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Learn more about Teams | Meeting options
Service Provided By RAF Air Cadets Bader Team

Link and open it in Chrome but just get a blank screen after opting to not install the Teams app and instead use it on the web.

Use the app, it is always better than the web browser. More reliable too

ok, as a non-bader-account-holding cadet, how do they use the app?

When they click the link you send them it offers web or app version. Click on app and hey presto.

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We had our first virtual parade last night. We had 24 cadets and 4 staff and investigated personal, physical and mental health and safety during these times. It went really well and everyone had a good evening. Great feedback.

We took regular breaks and made it engaging for all. Here’s to the next few months of this.


How did you do it?

Probably like this -

PM me your email address and I’m happy to share as too long for via this

What activities are people running as a Virtual Parade Night?



Last night we launched sport and fitness challenges and activities.

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I think I’m going to need some sort of diagram of how you’ve made this work :laughing:

Live stream from the app!

You’ve just got to be clever and leave before light, travel by the back roads, and return after dark by different back roads.

So far… meetings.

We’re going to have a slightly more social first night online, then looking at classes for 1st Class. We’ve got some ideas rattling - PowerPoint is simple enough, but discussing what we can stream from the web or other sources, activities we can run that aren’t purely a presenter on transmit, etc.

and each time you meet a police officer, “I’m just on my way home from my 1 exercise session per day guv” :laughing:

this is where I’m at.

I don’t want to be running “sit there and watch a powerpoint” sessions.
Kahoot quizzes and PowerPoint’s with mentimeter built in will be good.

My sqn has started doing regular private War Thunder sessions (or “practical” WW2 Air Power lessons) as a bit of fun and to keep people engaged, but it does filter the cadets as those that have and those that do not in terms of the IT required to join in.