Is the RAFAC in a death spiral?

Sorry but that comment made me think of this :joy:


Does imply that RAFAC is a bit like craggy island :joy:


Having had a read of the last few posts on the Comdtā€™s Leaving thread I thought this might be the place to leave a few thoughts.
I would agree that the RAFAC faces a number of challenges where the answers lie outside its control either through the lack of full time and appropriately qualified HR, inadequate infrastructure and activity funding (including flying) or a myriad of RAF support systems that have been changed out of recognition with no thought of their impact on the delivery of the cadet experience.
At the risk of sounding the death knell for the organisation perhaps what we need is a formal, properly funded tasking statement from the RAF. If they no longer require a sponsored cadet force then they should say so and hand on the baton to whoever wishes to take on the challenge (whatever its eventual, size and shape ).
There is no doubt that the impact of the air cadet experience has been positive for many tens of thousands over the decades. but flowery words about smart young people who are a credit to themselves and their mentors will not sustain the organisation into the future.


46 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bader Personal Accounts - Theyā€™re Here!

Iā€™d never thought Iā€™d write this, but after reading the last 40 posts which sound like a computer programmersā€™ conventionā€¦please return to the topic, fellows. :grimacing:


You forgot the pros and cons of bringing back battle dress


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: History of the ATC

Agree but I donā€™t have time right now. Will get to it if no one beats me.


Itā€™s definitely bugging me that all this stuff has been ripped down and these projects set in motion and CAC doesnā€™t have to see it through. It would be different at the end of his 8, but someone (CAC or other) has actively decided that TK doesnā€™t have to wade through a potential storm and can instead just hand a primed grenade to someone else.

And as much as I donā€™t like him, if this does all work then heā€™s missed out on credit.

Not sure itā€™s a great look on a CV to be able to say ā€œI ruined a load of stuff and made a lot of people unhappy as preparation to rebuildā€.

On the flip side, if it flounders he has plausible deniability. Somewhat stings that he can ruin the org and through some minor mental gymnastics legitimately say ā€œnot my fault because I wasnā€™t involved in that bitā€.

Of course, itā€™s possible that more newly added problems (budget and VA) have messed with his intentions and visions so heā€™s peaced out, recognising that he canā€™t achieve what he wanted to.

And as for the death spiralā€¦

Iā€™m not hopeful that we will have a better impression of his successor. Who would want the poisoned chalice? Who would the RAF be willing to pass it to?


More importantly with the recent elections to 1* rank who is left to take it and even would they want it?

You keep saying that, itā€™s a moo point, we havenā€™t been in line for anyone decent since it became an FTRS post.

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Soon weā€™ll just be a Corps. As thereā€™s not much in the way of Air or Training.

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Not even sure about that - a Corps either has a size (40k?) and weā€™re plummeting through that, or has a function - and, wellā€¦


After the end of the Cold War, I think 1 (Br.) Corps just had 1 & 3 (UK) Armd Divs: so closer to 20,000 than 40.000.

As far as Iā€™m aware, the definition is just two or more divisions.

Then again, if the RAF Regt can have FP wings with only one field sqn, weā€™d probably have a go at calling a single division with some extra HQ elements a corps on the same grounds.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Comdt RAFAC leaving & replacement

Has there been a formal announcement of the entitlement/allowance for VA in FY2024-25? i.e. something confirming the number of days allocated per CFAV, and whether it will be paid at substantive or acting paid rank?

From what I heard formal announcement in May, with new figures in force from 01 June :man_facepalming:t2:

No chance for anyone to get their head around anything, revisit their activities, etc. Oh, and donā€™t forget CACEs will be reviewed :roll_eyes:

Hmm. I may need to make a decision on whether Iā€™m prepared to take part in activities before May. Will probably have to do so based on the current ā€˜proposalsā€™.

Just worked out I will have done 20ish days by 1st June so they should all be under the old system right :slight_smile:

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Historically such roles were seen by some in the various ivory towers as opportunities to top up retireesā€™ service pensions, an example being my father. Whilst he was an RAF Police Counter-Intelligence operator he worked quite closely with MI5 on various occasions. On retiring from the RAF he was invited to apply for a full-time position with MI5, went through the process and they offered him a job, when he read the salary he basically said to them that he thought they must have made a mistake. They replied that it wasnā€™t a mistake, after all he was just topping up his RAF Pension, wasnā€™t he? He explained that he now had a mortgage to pay, three kids in school with me potentially going to university within a couple of years. They did not revise their offer and Dad went into the commercial security industry.