JL and QAIC Paused for 24/25 [Confirmed]

I’m going with 2035, or, more likely……never!


My understanding with JL now days is that the majority of directing staff now are service instructors so the va impact is a lot less.

I think the QAIC pause shows the lack of long term planning going on. Just a few years ago it was “paused” for covid - surely that would be the time to substantially review the course content?


It would have been if people knew there was going to be a Pause. But nobody knew it was coming, and for a lot of people there was a lot of things going on in home life to manage.

Yes, exactly. Changes to QAIC have been rumoured for years, it’s not a new concept, they (Comdt etc) should have pounced on that opportunity as much as possible.

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Or is it TK’s way of pushing it out to where he doesn’t have to deal with it?


As he’s leaving in September, it would be more politically easy to leave that decision to his successor rather than cancel it straight off.

Unless he was hoping it returns so a task for his successor is to re-establish QAIC.

In which case JL is the target as that is the one likely to be pulled with no return.

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If my memory serves me correctly the QAIC was developed by volunteers to support aerospace training at all levels of the organisation including the Regional Activity Centres. If the aeospace offering and the delivery pattern has changed then its good to review. Matching any changes in the syllabus to.the ability of volunteers to deliver will be key. In terms of longer weekends, this will have an impact on both the CFAVs and the cadets with time off work and time away from school/ college a real challenge.


SIs still need their time off and being with family etc.


JL also paused, confirmed today

Waiting for the Weekly Brief with all the bad news stories…

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Already out

Ta - hasn’t crawled down the wires to me yet.

Is the sgt sat down in a flying suit an SI or a cdt? This is why we need cadet rank slides, like every other CF.


Given situational context, I’d guess cadet. But you’re right, it’s not obvious, and can be quite confusing at times.

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It is a cadet

I would really like to know why both these courses have been paused after HQAC explicitly stated they wouldn’t pause them.


Hopefully you get my point? (There are no identifiers on a flying suit.)

Not in the photo, but in person you would see a “flight staff cadet” tag on their flying suit

Maybe the problem is no or limited VA equals no staff.

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