IBN 013 - 2021: 3822A & 3822H

I wonder if the commandants new adversary panel thing were asked what they thought of the process?

Ideally this would have been done as a Web Form that interfaces direct with SMS, however:

  • that would have required another application to be built by the VSDT who are already overworked.
  • that would have left us with no awareness of who had and had not completed the new wewb form unless additional modifications were made to SMS for this one-off exercise.

Intentional or not I like the typo!


Autocorrect sometimes is better then anything I could have typed on purpose…

Is that like the tenth man principle in World War Z?

I don’t know enough about the available technology, but a unique link sent to parents would validate who was submitting the consent form, data could then be imported into SMS directly from the responses and a weekly or monthly report for each Sqn to track who hasn’t completed it yet.

Yes, there is some effort required for this, but it’s less than the 10,000 hours spread across the ATC. If this is a legal priority then other things have to stop. At Sqn level that means cadet activities.

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yes that is all possible, but but both my points still stand, it’s work that the VSDT don’t have the time for given that they are working on so many other projects at the moment. Bader Learn, Volunteer Portal, Staff Portal, Units and more that I’m forgetting right now :joy:

No one has blamed VDST…

If anything VDST should be increased in size to cope with all this work.

Ideally 5 fold increase!

It is the 21st century. EVERYTHING relies on solid systems and IT.

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My point was that it’s work that Sqns don’t have time to do either, but HQAC don’t see or seem to care about that. If it’s a choice between stopping 10,000 hours of cadet activities/planning or delaying 200 hours of other development, I know which I’d go for.

NB of course it might be 1000+ hours of development, I just guessed.

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At risk of going off topic. Get rid of 3 Regions and spend the money on permanent developers and support. No-one at the Sqn end would miss the Region’s.


We’ve not long requested parents to refill forms and send them in so we can update details during lockdown. There’s been a lot of chasing just to get those in, think we’re still even waiting for some now.

Now we’re going to have to do it all over again…

It’s just going to miff parents off and us.

I really don’t see why these are going to OC’s accounts too when we have role accounts for a reason. Granted I also don’t want my Adj having to pick up all this work either.

We’re busy enough, attempting to follow really strict rules and cleaning regimes. Of course this additional work has been announced after we’ve all planned the training for cadets, bringing in as many bubbles as we can to get maximum face to face time. Now we need to plan this in too…


Fixed that for you.

THIS! Whilst the organisation is rebuilding get people out on a 12 month secondment to get everything over the line…maybe im being unrealistic though

I see the new 3822a is now at version 2…
Im not re-re printing them.

The thing that most grinds my gears is this on the 3822H :

Learning disabilities could include (but not limited to): Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Autism, Asperger’s, etc

ADHD, Autism and Asperger’s are not in themselves ‘learning disabilities’. People that have ADHD, Autism and Asperger’s are neurodiverse. To suggest that they have a learning disability are on this form is highly discriminatory and I am shocked that the organisation has got this so wrong. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Acp 29 refers…

Yet there is still no V2 on the form it’s self that I can see? So there’s no way of knowing which version it is other than looking for the changes…

As a term ‘Asperger’s’ is also… controversial, to say the least.


Its only shown on sharepoint under forms in the table view…

Yeah, not very useful after being downloaded, filled in then emailed. Or if it’s been printed. Just means those OCs who are on the ball and may have already emailed it out will have to retract it and send again.

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