HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

Mr Emz collected a big box for his unit from Cranditz a few weeks ago. They’re getting presented as part of something else in a couple of weeks time so they are out there.

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Don’t doubt they are. Comms at my unit are… Well… Less than ideal.

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Let’s wait for William’s Coronation - I doubt C111R’s will appear much before this.

Before you all start on me - i am only joking !!

An acquaintance of mine I work with intermittently was bragging about their son this morning at work. Seems her son was a Sea Cadet (didn’t know that) at the coronation as one of the 30 or so sea cadets invited alongside similar numbers from the army cadets and air cadets. Not in a band or carrying a banner or anything like that . He received his full size coronation medal at an event last week. Looking on Facebook looks like quite a few full size medals have been presented to various Sea & Royal Marine Cadets.


There were certain members of the armed forces who simply lined the route and got the medal (under 5 years’ service), and so any cadets formally lining the route should also qualify.

Hopefully over time it’ll catch up. It’s just a shame many of them will have timed-out by then.


There is a difference between those lining the route and those spectating. While I don’t begrudge any cadet who gets one and hope the maximum number do, it’s a bit of a stretch to say that those in a private viewing enclosure were doing the same as those lining Whitehall.

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From the facts about this sea cadet he (and others) seems to have been doing exactly that and been granted the medal.

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Well good on him, great to see Cadets getting something special like this.


How typical is this though… Sea Cadets have their medals already, Air Cadets don’t even know if they’re getting one!

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I know im getting it :man_shrugging:t2:

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Didn’t realise you had defected to the sea cadets :wink::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Mine’s been on JPA for around six months, but I still don’t know when I’m actually getting it.

Where does it actually show on defence gateway/JPA? Which app or link is it

JPA isn’t on Defence Gateway, it’s MODnet only (with the ‘MySeries’ apps used to access bits of it off network). Honours and Awards isn’t a section that any of the My… apps cover.

I just got an email from wing saying well done the chocolate medal will be in the post

Same. “Pleased to confirm that… not until at least Q2 2024… knock yourself out if you want to get a mini… thank you for being so awesome”

That was in November.

Just hoping i get it, with more than a week before remembrance day!

Just bumping this to the top again as it’s rapidly becoming a hot topic and there are relevant posts in unrelated threads.

I’ve seen one, in the flesh. It belongs to Mr Emz however :rofl:

I know I’m getting one as the reply to my emails asking for an update on QPJM was keep waiting but good news, I’m in T1 for the Coronation medal, also due a Clasp in August, question is which one will turn up first :thinking:

King William Coronation Medal for sure.