HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

I hope we can follow suit.


Why is it not a surprise that the SCC are more efficient


One of my cadets who attended the coronation and was explicitly told they would be getting a medal, was told last weekend that cadets are no longer on the list. :rage:

I got told by a cadet in our wing who attended that another cadet from another wing down south who attended got told June/July last year they might or might not be getting it. So it was always unsure.

That the names were going to be submitted from the ACF/SCC/ATC/CCF who attended and watched but no one knew if MODMO or who ever was approving authority (well above HQ RAFAC) would approve it as cadets ie the 30 or so RAFAC & similar numbers from other CFs cadets that went and watched from sidelines and then walked down the mall and ended right at the gates of Buckingham palace) just attending ie not those in formally taking part ie bands/banners were in a shaky position re the contributory service requirement.

Im have it in my mind the Army Cadets had a Band at the Scottish ceremony & that the sea cadets had a band at the coronation in London. Which would definitely be contributory service. Could that be where the medals to cadets are coming from?

I think in general most people would agree that “being part” would be those actually parading

carrying a banner or a standard.
Playing in a band that was part of the ceremony
Marching as part of the formation
Acting as behind the scenes ushers or runners.

If you weren’t doing this I would suggest they were merely privileged spectators rather actually part of the ceremony.

The fact that some cadets (albeit sea cadets) HAVE been awarded the medal would indicate that the medal office does recognised cadets as being eligible.

It likly some ATC CFAVs may have got over excited at the time & may not have managed cadet expectations.


No argument at all that some cadets are eligible. The CWO who carried the union flag, FS carried Corps Banner, Sea Cadet & ACF Bands must be (although I’ve not seen anything directly about them beyond the ones being Issues to the SCC) the ones who are shaky are the “privileged spectators” as you put it.

The guidances says that those listed on the JFET are eligible and the “privileged spectators” were supposedly according to what that cadet was told weee listed on the JFET for Golden Orb. This is likely where confusion has came in.

I agree I couldn’t see how it met the contributory requirement but the rumour was that they were being as flexible/elastic with that rule as possible to give it to as many people as possible.

That’s why I believe the cadet I mentioned was told maybe yes/maybe no and wait and find out. Seems others were not giving that answer but given a definite yes when nothing had been formally confirmed.

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There might have also been some “wishful thinking” by the CFAV escorting staff hoping that they would be in for the running too!

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Here’s a can of worms.

Remembrance Day 2024, will these Cadets be able to wear their medal?

Imagine some CFAVs would be very against (possibly envious) and some very for it.

ACF & SCC yes - ACF can wear in MTP but only on Remembrance Sunday, SCC cadets have full number ones.

ATC cadets - it depends on if the uniform regs get updated in time but should be able to as it’s now an ACP for uniform not an AP.

CCF if taken part in a parade purely on school site & not wider public would probably have a loop hole allowing them to do so locally.

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I guess as a matter of strict uniform policy then no, unless they happen to be in number 1 uniform. But if one of my cadets had one, I wouldn’t be telling them to take it off


I asked the question (albeit several months ago) and i was told, if they are in No 1s then yes but still need to be eligible to wear No 1s as per 1358. Having a medal isnt enough to warrant No1s. So LLC etc

Medals cant be worn on No 2 dress

Ill try push for some comms but yeah.

Could you push for medals can be worn in no 2 dress but only by cadets?

Even throw in a “with regional commandants authority” at established ceremonial parades /events.

E.g. remembrance, Battle of Britain, ATC Sunday. Other events with RC/HQAC authority.

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I can ask. I know what the answer will be.

Even though our document is now “in house” the RAF still influence it and sit on the dress commitee. So it will come back with “we dont wear medals on No 2 so you wont”

But i can ask


Blooming dinosaurs.

Get the cadets to parade in suits with it.


I would like to caveat that i asked that question several months ago and things change…id await for for official comms rather than my understanding

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I think everyone (including cadets) needs their medals issued first… maybe something for 2029?

Has anyone heard when Tranch 2 is being released?

Hold your horses*, no sign of actual medals for most of tranche 1 yet!

*advice for the Household Cavalry, perhaps

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Regulars haven’t got theirs yet.

Nothing heard at Odiham as yet…

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My reserve sqn were issuing some earlier this month, but I was busy and so don’t know when I’ll get mine now.