HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

I note there was a list of all the cadets receiving the medal on the last but one influence update. Nice to see all the cadets involved on the day are receiving it.


I have seen a real KCIIICM! My rozzer cousin received his a couple of days ago. So whilst ours have yet to arrive, they are now getting out there.

I have seen one too.

At an RBL DDay patade one of the Standard Bearers was on the RBL line up on the day abd so eligible. She had hers some time in May

I saw around a hundred of them in a box, Mr Emz collected them for his Unit, they were all presented in May so they’re definitely out there.

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I’m guessing I’ll never see mine. I wasn’t in tranche 1 (although weirdly I was for the platty jubes) and will be gone from RAFAC before tranche 2 is done so doubt they’ll include me on the list. Oh well.

Once you’re out you can request via MODMO. It may end up being quicker!

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That update said they would be arriving at HQ in ~two weeks.

That was a month ago, anyone heard/ seen anything further?

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Just seen this…

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Our SWO took this challenge up for us. He wrote to Cranwell and to the MODMO and low and behold MODMO said they had been approved for issue but had not been shipped. A week later they arrived and have been issued to the individuals. Mine are currently at the Tailors for mounting


I’ve had mine for a little while now, but for my other uniform. :policeman:t3:

Maybe that’s what is required. Hopefully this FOI puts a bit of pressure on to get their finger out idk :man_shrugging:t2:

It wont…it slows things down.


Still not had my Coronation Medal from work, I think they are looking at a formal presentation which is nice, even if it does mean I’ll need to get my tunic adjusted again. (Well reranked anyway).

Mr Emz collected over 100 of them from Cranditz back in May so they are out there in the wild :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Me, I’m still waiting for QPJM, add in a Coronation Medal and a Clasp, which will arrive first :rofl:

I’m still waiting for my coronation medal. It’s in work somewhere but for some reason they keep sitting on them. .

This is not a RAFAC thing, many full time military have yet to receive theirs, so we’ll be behind them :man_shrugging:t2:

So it’s been confirmed at work that all Police Officers or PCSO’s on duty in the day will be getting the medal which is great news for some of the more junior guys on my team.


Cadets on Golden Orb from North Region have received their medals


I wasn’t in Tranche 1 for this one, despite being in Tranche 1 for the platty jobs - go figure the logic of HQAC admin.
Now I’ve left RAFAC I thought I’d fill in the medal application form direct with MODMO. Send it off with proof of service and one week later I get get an email confirming the award. As to when I’ll receive the actual thing, that’s likely to still be some time, but at least the official confirmation is through now so I can get my miniatures sorted for the various mess dinners I’ve got coming up with work.

Might be worth a punt if anyone else is in the same boat.


Well CCF who qualify in SW have recently been told ‘no sign of the medals yet, but it’s official you can wear the miniature/put the ribbon up’. Not a lot of help this close to Remembrance.