HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

Do CFAVs have access to JPA to check that?

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I’d love to tell you, but the Defence Gateway is currently giving me a 502 error.

JPA isn’t on Defence Gateway. The My series apps are linked to it, but for JPA itself you need to be on MODNET.

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Not too sure if there’s a more appropriate thread but thought the uniform geeks may appreciate.


He’s got golden flight tabs!

Anyone heard anythibg about this elusive list?

Ive seen my wings, wexos have it

3 weeks later, still having the same problem…

I understood the lists WHQ have just now are the list as submitted and WHQ have not yet received confirmation that those lists have been accepted by MODMO and the award of the medal confirmed for those individuals.

One day someone will throw it across a desk to you if you got one

Until then… more important things to carry on with

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You mean I’m not getting a presentation parade on the unit with Tony K presenting it to me on bended knee?

Im sure bader announcements said theyd give updates… think they need to listen and answer quieries before more peopke send in emails to them

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I’ve had confirmation today - including the auth to wear miniature and ribbon until the full size is ready.

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Interesting our WHQ supposedly got refused permission to release the list in last few days your WHQ must be the first to release it.

Cancel the above just had an all wing email with the list permission must have been granted this morning.

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Will be another 6 months til my Wexo releases then.

Wonder now that tranche 1 is being released if we will hear confirmation about the 50 or so cadets involved in London are or are not getting the Coronation medal anytime soon. Heard rumours that might be but not seen anything concrete,


Amazing they haven’t prioritised that as a cadets good news media story!

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fixed that for you

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Anyone else just had an email confirming they are in T1 but to expect the medal ‘mid 24’?

PS nothing in the email about miniatures and ribbons. I’ve asked.