HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

Have you not entered it on volunteer portal?

Having just read this, I think the KCMis going to be even more delayed now as they scrutinise eligibility for everyone.

Article says he was a special beforehand.

So maybe he had accrued the extra three years as a special which added to a total of five?


Reading the article it seems that they had a number who were “close enough” & just fudged it.

That sounds likly - might be the case that the force just went on Year dates and not actually looked on specific months.

Reading the article doesn’t sound like it was a one off either.

That’s certainly how it works with reservists who transfer to the regular service, although I personally know two who had to fight for the gold and diamond jubilee medals respectively.

We had loads who had been PCSO’s or Specials when the Diamond came round who had to produce documents to claim it.

For the platinum I had to fill in a form as I had moved forces and the sulu to automatic system didn’t pick up my previous service.

The Commissioner has already said he is going to stretch the definition of a “The Coronation”
As far as possible since it doesn’t seem fair to him that Officers who were left carrying the bag on team with less than minimum resources shouldn’t get it, while people who stood on security serials do.


Sat here patiently waiting for tranche 2.

Has any Wing received and passed out the confirmation to tranche 1 personnel yet?

Nothing from any of the wings im involved with

Our contingent commander asked the TEST staff, and was told to check JPA. I’m guessing we’re not finding out any time soon

I had an email (I mentioned it above) saying that I was on Tranche 1 and that my name would be going forward.

Will you get two then? Or maybe one with a bar?

You’re only supposed to claim one, that’s all I got for the last Jubilee.

Which one will you claim? I know plenty of people in the emergency services who ended up with two for the golden and diamond jubilee’s. Not sure what’s happening with the platinum one though or the coronation one. I doubt the organisations will coordinate with each other.

Wing HQs should have reviewed this and annotated their spreadsheet with ‘other’ organisations.

I don’t think they ever actually do.

The email from WHQ was asking if anyone was eligible elsewhere as I was Tranche 1, but it only had a 4 day deadline so I didn’t see it until afterwards.

I will just take the first one to actually turn up and not accept the second one when it arrives.

I was awarded the Diamond Jubilee medal twice by the same organisation. Only once on JPA, but two actual medals at separate presentations; I gave the second one to a comrade who’d been having trouble getting his previous service recognised (all officially sorted for him later).

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“not accept the second one when it arrives.”

I’ll take it ! still waiting for my T2 QPJM so don’t expect the CM for some time yet, though I did fall in T1 this time.

Where do you even check in JPA for medals/awards etc

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My Information > Honours and Awards