HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

We’ve had one email. Going by the rules in Tranche 1, any queries, WHQ will be in touch with individuals.

Straightforward, nice and easy. No involvement at squadron level :+1:

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Cadets who went to London for the day are on the list as well apparently.


Good for them, I guess! Personally think it should be only those who actively participated but oh well.

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Agree but I can’t see any of them getting it. Some admin will prevent it somehow

If they are on the roll then admin can’t prevent it, the cadets could just write to the Medal Office and say “We’ve not received it”. After a check of records to make sure no receipt was signed, the Medal Office will issue it to them.
As much as I have my issues with the Commandant, I do think that anyone trying to prevent the issue of a medal to a cadet who has been awarded it would lead to significant disciplinary action. I can’t see him being on board with stopping them getting it.


Exactly this, I might not be his biggest fan but he doesn’t strike me as the sort to act in such a dishonourable manner.

Plus as I’ve said before I expect HQAC and the individual HQ’s to make a massive deal out of Cadets getting it as it’s great PR.


Maybe the Honorary Commandant could present it to them or her husband an ex RAF Officer.


CCF similar round here: email your TEST SNCO if you think you should be getting it, and if there is a mismatch between that and the list they have then they will investigate further. 100% correct for my unit so no problems.

No drama there, however were there cadets invited from other regions? Or does all inclusive mean only those fortunate to be within local distance?

My CWO was not on the list but was part of the national Golden Orb involvement, the WEXO has added them to the list and no queries have come back yet.


Yes, there were cadet representatives from all six regions present in London on coronation day.



Cool thats good to know

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Any idea whether there’s a separate Golden Orb list or whether we need to all take the step you did and approach WEXO?

There is a separate Op GOLDEN ORB list so no need for anyone to do anything!

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So what about the LLCs who were out doing ‘stuff’ for the coronation :man_shrugging:t2:

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A cadet in my Wing attend the route lining/spectating with the 30 or so RAFAC from all over uk. The rumour mile I’ve heard via them is that the some of the other cadet forces (they didnt say which) have confirmed that their cadets (who attended in same role/capacity) are getting it and said they are working on a formal list for publication… those attending as part of RAFAC have heard nothing official just rumours.

On top of the London lot does anyone know did any RAFAC cadets take part in OP Sceptre in Edinburgh? That’s would I assume be included as eligible event. some ACF band Cadet Force volunteers I’ve seen photos of who attended I’ve seen in photos wearing the medal.

I was just asked to review the list and comment on any missing, so I did, covered all the bases that way :slight_smile:

But I was confident the list I got was the 5 year dump so the missing would have been those with 3 + 2 Staff Cadet Years

Service personnel lining the route have qualified, so that should be good enough for cadets.


The Cadets weren’t route lining though, they were in a viewing enclosure weren’t they? If that qualifies shouldn’t they MP’s and Lords in the enclosure I was guarding?

Don’t get me wrong I have no issue with the Cadets getting it, they were in the lucky position of being the top Cadets in the Corps on the day, but unless I’m missing something with the exception of the ones actually in the parade they were spectators not contributors.

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