HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

In their regs or not I’ve seen tye ACF wear medals in MTP multiple times

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It was the same in the TA. Junior ranks weren’t issued No. 2 Service Dress (equivalent to our No. 1 SD) but could earn medals: so we had to put them somewhere, right?

No idea what the regulations said, but it was officially endorsed to the level that medals would be pinned onto combats (CS95 at the time) or placed onto hooks sewn onto the uniform by dignitaries at official medal presentations. I even saw a GSM(NI) get pinned onto a mate’s jumper once.


Didn’t realise Alloa Athletic Football Club had won many medals or covered by military dress regs.

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A crack special forces unit that make the SAS look like a nursing home bowls club

It’s because the Army withdrew the issue/allowance for purchase of no. 2 dress. Survived in CCF up to my time as CC (maybe 2010?) May have gone earlier in the ACF.

In that respect we are lucky as we still get issued no. 1s on commissioning, despite supply problems.

I got my RAF LS&GC Medal awarded to me wearing No 2’s and pinned to my jumper - very odd. It was because the CBF (Army 2*) didn’t want to wear his best uniform and was wearing CS95.

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I believe we’re back to the postcode lottery for this one. I commissioned last year, no tailor available at parent station, no measuring done on OIC. Colleague on OIC was measured when doing initial kitting and messaged with a collection date.

Join the queue, I’ve been waiting for over 2 years with no movement.

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It has appeared this morning on JPA!


We had an email on 5th September (which I’ve only just read) stating that HQ RAFAC Digital have identified Tranche 1 and lists have been sent to WHQ’s. Confirmation required by the Medals Office by 11th September, so if you don’t want one because you are getting one elsewhere let us know by 8th September. (I may be paraphrasing here).

Same here, but with no date or workflow notification saying I have to acknowledge receipt of the medal itself (as is usual).


That’s faster than I expected.

I guess miniature and ribbons are good to go then.

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I wouldnt expect to see an actual medal until next year

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I’ll be interested to see if/when local commands ask for Tranche 2 applicants to submit evidence.

Really need to get that checked out :grimacing:


I wouldn’t be shocked if it was next financial year.

Looks like something for HQAC, we all know they’re often full of…

Medal has appeared on JPA and now the countdown to issue begins :joy:

funny that information isnt consistent across the org. I’ve heard nothing from the two WHQs im under

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