HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

I wish court mounting was mandatory past one medal. Swing mounting looks so chippy.



It is post five.
After five it’s court mounted at public expense for us.


Oh very interesting. I wonder if it’s the same for us too.

I’m pretty sure I paid…

I wouldn’t have thought so.
Maybe for those who are issued No1s and in high exposure ceremonial roles, but I doubt it’s the norm.

@Scrounger the DIN specifically mentioned the RAF VRT as included in the award of the medal.


I didn’t know that. KCM will be my sixth, so I’ll have to test the water with the stn tailor rather than my usual guy.

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Sorry, given you duff gen!

It’s the NAVY that mandate it over five. For us it’s KCS WOs and below, or those in the royal household.

Getting my BRs and APs messed up…

Oh well, I felt a bit guilty about the prospect of not going back to my usual guy anyway.

I’m so sad. I was hoping to save serious cash monies and not wait for another year without mounting medals…


If only there was someone on the forum who mounts medals…



I would love to use your services, but as I’m approaching my exit date, I want to join this organisation and would like to retain absolute anonymity.

Perhaps once I’ve transferred I’ll quietly seek out your details and post them your way. Just promise not to pay too much attention to the medals haha

Nope thats if you are normally paid, but for some reason are not currently being paid. VA is part of the eligibility critera for the medal.

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Tranche 2 qualifiers we’re announced around here in early March, just not seen the hardware yet.

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I was confirmed in T2, there was announcement on SharePoint back in May saying T2 medals were two to three months away. We’re fast approaching the three month point so I contacted Wing HQ for an update… they’re as disappointed as I am that I’m still waiting, no news, keep waiting and don’t contact the medal office directly, they’ll ask HQAC for an update and get back to me. Over a week and heard nothing.

Policy is being reviewed for RAF and Army so fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

I missed out on the QPJM because I was NEP on some of the qualifying dates.
Ho Hum !

T1 QPJM finally received!


And I’m sure her Maj will be pleased to see you wearing it…

…oh wait.

well atleast this king will see all CFAVs wearing his coronation medal right?


The IBN for the RAF has said regulars will expect to see the medal from Jan 24 onwards…