HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

I would suggest that Cadets would be covered under “other MOD sponsored organisations”


Yeah. Should have taken a bit more time with it.

A little shocked at such a broad spectrum of award.

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Cadets can only get it for the constitutional events (i.e. on the day)

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That’s how I read it too.

Now that we have the Christmas Cracker Commission I don’t think it would make any difference. If you are AEF and still have a VR Commission however a case could be made.

HQ RAFAC have now published an update on sharepoint

So the announcement on Sharepoint is a bit confusing, it says that as eligibility group B you must have 5 years of service. This contradicts (or at least doesn’t include) the “or directly involved in the event”

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Sigh…medal number 3 to mount in the space of 18 months.

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Absolutely suffering from success.

Went from none to three in the space of two years.


I think I’ll get the KCM before T2 of QPJM is sorted for our organisation so I guess that’ll be double mounting costs !!

@Horriblelittletechie think you can sort the mounting plus ribbons onto 1s in advance of remembrance?

Yep, should be able to. Provided the actual medal reaches people in time.

I’ve got access to the ribbon, and have a bit already.

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You could set up shop at our Wg Conf and work away in the background :rofl::rofl:

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What takes the time is the back boards…

Get them pre made… Won’t take long… Plumb away whilst you’re all getting bored to tears…

My presentation will be outstanding i tell you.

Will be in touch when i have it…you can put the kettle on and ill pop over pre Sqn visit :rofl:

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Yeah. But I’ve got kids.

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Just keep them away ha

Always avoid mounting medals if you get even a whiff that you might have another (or a clasp) inbound.

With the QPJM, I think it was pretty obvious we might not be waiting long. Morbid, but it’s saved me a couple of days’ pay…

Bit of an off topic question/thought. I wonder whether the MOD pays for court mounting if awarded a VC.

I imagine it would be a career highlight to be the one to mount a recent VC recipients medals.

Last time I moved house I looked at law firms on the Defence Discount Service and there was one that offered its services entirely free to VC holders. I’m sure medal mounters would be the same.


I’m hoping that VRT officers are included in this distribution and I’ll need to get some clarity otherwise I’ll get my head pecked from our chaps as to why we haven’t got it.

I’ve currents got a CFM bar waiting to be mounted but I’ve been holding off so I can have the QPJM and KCM mounted at the same time, not to save cost, but so I don’t need to keep going back and forth to my Tailor.