HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

Wonder how long hqac take to get their crap together on this

Indeed, next to the pile of blues I never wear and the 1’s I don’t have.

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So the 1826 days is just 5 years. ie, you need to have been in for 5 years. Simple as that.

I can’t actually see any minimum commitment. There’s no “Must have done 20 days a year” or anything like that…

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If it’s just a simple 5 years of membership, would that mean that periods of NEP would still count towards the medal?

NEP is deferred resignation, ergo you’re still a member whilst in NEP.

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That’s how I read it. Whereas, for reservists at least, jubilee medals required 4 or 5 bounty-earning years to qualify.

I would disagree. If you go NEP, you are no longer a ‘member’ in normal terms. You can’t turn up to any events for example.

There was an entry there about that scenario. Forgot to make a note.

You are correct:

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So if you were NEP at the time, provided you return to volunteering, you will be eligible.

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I was thinking stickers for down the side of your boat…


All of the yesses.

still waiting on my QPJM but it looks like I’ll get the KCM before that arrives even though it’s near enough the same qualifying criteria.

What a farce!


I asked Wing HQ yesterday for an update on the QPJM, seeing as the criteria for the KCM is out, no news, keep waiting and please don’t contact the medal office.

I like how they’ve implicitly recognised they messed up the QPJM criteria in the DIN.

Im just going to leave this here… from the DIN under limitations to all categories:

I wonder if they’ll beat us with the “its VA not pay” stick

“Sanctioned unpaid”

Those people who have had disciplinary action taken against them and lost pay as a consequence.

Not sure if it’s still the case, but it used to be that if you were sent to the Glass House, all of your time there was without pay.

That’s what this clause is targeting.


The full DIN is now available on defence connect as a downloadable doc it’s linked in a number of easily found articles.

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I have it on good authority that HQAC missed the QPJM T2 deadline so that’s why there’s been no news.

What a shower of uselessness.

Further mudding the waters here…

The armed forces day event in Falmouth is counting as a coronation event in this DIN.

So does that mean every single cadet on parade there is eligible for this?
Or on further reading, not sponsored, so where would that leave staff? Interesting if anyone could get something past the post.

No, because that says service personnel at the beginning, and CFAV and cadets are not SP!

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