HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

And just imagine the angst from CFAVs who don’t have one. Some RCs and Wing Commanders will be trying desperately to stop them wearing the medal.

Are there RCs or WCs with less than 5 years service?

I seriously doubt that, they will see it as a great bit of publicity and it’s such a small group of Cadets anyway. (Although in London and the Home Counties we will have more since we have Staff Cadets who will have worked it as Police Officers etc).

The reality is there will be very few chances for a Cadet to wear them since they don’t have No1’s anyway. I expect the opposite to what you say and they will be falling over themselves to get the Cadet out in front of a camera.


If I had a cadet who’d taken part in the ceremonial I’d be putting it on every bit of publicity I could.



absolutely, now we need permission to wear #1. I’m sure the public would prefer it.

Able to upload to defence connect?

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So that CWO carrying the standard I think is pretty much a given. The 20 or so cadets who went to london on the day as the official delegation, I hope they get it too.

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No idea how.
What I’ve written is verbatim for CFAVs and cadets.

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If that’s a verbatim quote of the conditions, there might be some very happy CIs and CivCom? No mention of uniform.

Sorry, missed that bit out.

Uniformed members. Edited the previous.


Anything in there about number of days/hours for those with 5 years service or is it a general issue?

Not seen it myself but army friend has said it is plain 1826 days no training requirement.

That does seem a very large number. A full time teacher in the state sector only has to work 1085 HOURS a year.
1026/5 years = 205.2
205.2/12 month = 17.1 days

I Know that some of up put in a lot to this organisation but 17 days a months sounds awfully like a full time job to me.

Part time job at best :wink:

1826 is the number of days served (ie 5 years: 5x365 = 1825 +1 leap year) rather than days worked.

hence comment “no training requirement” (which would suggest working days)


Anyone any ideas what they might accept as O18 cadet service evidence?

This is the first medal that I should be eligible for (just missed for QPJM), but will need to lean on O18 cadet service, regular service and uniformed CFAV service. The latter 2 are fully documented on JPA.

When were you a cadet? For the QPJM in my wing easiest method was if your service as a cadet was on SMS wing HQ and above can see cadet records going back to the creation of SMS. for those from before that we had people mainly using their 3822. 1 person even went back to his old Sqn with agreement of unit OC and had a look through all the paper records that Sqn still had. They had all the paper records of every cadet going back to the 50s (not sure how that works with GDPR but they did) which got him it.

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Well this one will join the QPJM and CFM bar / rose in the ‘unmounted trinkets’ area of my kit cupboard given the likelihood of me wearing uniform :grinning:

Wonder if I can get waterproof ribbons / miniatures to mount on a PFD?


My contingent commander just accepted my 3822 with discharge dates in. I know an ATC chap though who was initially refused as had no evidence of it, so did a sworn affidavit that was accepted.