HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

At one stage the Moderators had to switch to anonymised names separate from the user names as pressure was being put on regarding certain posts.

A CI got the boot from the organisation (or more correctly during the transition from Cadet to Staff his application was stopped by LaSER) following a comment he made about a Regional Commandant and the best cure for them being 7.62.

Back on topic.


Any more on the KCM or even the QPJM?

The latest I’ve heard is that the DIN has been drafted and sitting on Ben Wallace’s desk for sign off for over a month.
Can’t see why he’s not done it yet, not like he’s got anything else going on.

What I’m hoping though is that the ATC learn lessons from the QPJM and go for a better system. The CCF(RAF) one was much simpler. Section commanders got a spreadsheet of staff saying who they thought was eligible according to the computer system. We then could point out errors either way (not getting due to non attendance, or should be getting due to previous service).
Then to the contingent commander to approve, which was the official confirmation of award.
Yes we still had to wait for HQAC to process the spreadsheets and get the medal back from the medal office, but it was far simpler than the ATC method.

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I recently spotted a retired RAF pilot wearing it, but his father who served in the RN didn’t have it in his array.

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Yep, heard the same. Looks like Ben Wallace is resigning soon, which is a shame. Hopefully the DIN gets signed off before then or some of you will be waiting years!

Daddy won’t be eligible. Wonder if he’ll have a moan about it on Royal Family Central?

Imagine the my sons married an american divorcee thread…


That would have been one hell of a thread resurrection


Just had a thought if the DIN isn’t signed off by the Secretary of State soon then we will be into summer recess for the HOC and barely anything (non emergency) gets done during that so it might be an even longer wait into September and even then their not back for long before conference recess as well.

Slightly different topic but did they ever authorise the award of the QPJM to the AEF pilots being members of the RAF VR(T) which organisation was missed off the QPJM DIN?

Waiting to see it at the top of the forum, alongside the “Paris Road Network” thread.

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A letter was sent last month to the medal committee people with 2* backing. I’m unsure what the outcome was though! OC 6FTS has been pushing hard for it.

We have a conference call with Commandant 6 on Friday

Been told by a friend in the army that the DIN is out, the only requirement for cadet forces/reserves is Plain 1826 days service (5 years) no requirement for training days. Over 18 cadet service is included. Cadets included if active contribute part. Ie band, standard bearers at coronation or similar events.

The RAFVR(T) is supposedly specifically mentioned as an eligible group. So no repeat of the stuff up with the QPJM


At a rate of 28 days a year, that’s over 65 years …

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Wonder when we will actually be able to see the DIN…

There used to be an area on Defence Gateway for DINs, but I can’t find it now.

Nice! Opens up a can of worms if these Cadets can wear the medal if they’re a LLC in No.1s.
Can already imagine no-medal CFAVs’ heads rolling.

Ref the din, when I’m in work this evening I’ll have a look and highlight the pertinent CFAV points…

And those cadets present should absolutely be able to wear it…
If any of you have them on unit, message me and I’ll mount their medal for free…


Please let me be there when it happens so I can have a giggle

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