HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

That is talking about approval for a whole new medal which is done through cabinet office. The individual departments sign off eligibility for their people so the MOD will sign off the rules for military people, Home Office will sign off the rules for the police (except BTP which will be done by DfT).

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And CNC which will be the department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.

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And the Fun Police which is back with the MoD. Do they count as a corps of their own within RAFAC like the RAFP?

CAS now wearing the medal.


Well if he wasn’t eligible then I’d be worried who does.

Edit: just realised 4/5 of his medals are jubilee/coronation and last is LSGC. Has he not been on any operational tours?

Doesn’t look it.

But he is an EngO.

They have (at the minute) one tour as a squadron engineering officer as a JEngO, which is Fg Off-Flt Lt rank, then maybe one as a SEngO at Sqn Ldr.

At Wg Cdr they may serve a tour as OC Eng as a Station Exec. After that at Gp Capt level it’s in a DT or policy, no squadron or front line engineering…
Air officer would get even more office based.

He joined in '88 so after Granby, there wouldn’t have really been much until Telic. Wrong place wrong time? Nothing wrong with it.


I have to admit that the lack of campaign medals was the first thing I noticed on his appointment (rather than the lack of wings that everyone else was banging on about), but I have it from some very good sources that he is much more operationally focussed than recent predecessors and is dead set on turning us back into a fighting force. Good luck to him!


I’ve had a guy message me this morning who wants the KCM mounted for a funeral.
He hasn’t been issued one.
Won’t accept that you can’t buy replicas yet.

This will be fun…


I’ve had so many insist that you either do, or do not, wear medals at funerals that I’m not remotely sure what the correct protocol is.

You’re probably more swept-up on the detail than I am. Can you confirm what the holy book says on the matter?

Couldn’t tell you to be honest.
It would come down to your local head of discip (SWO/RSM).

But Chapter 10 of AP1358 states only medals at service funerals.

But as always the first rule:

-Rule one: Don’t get caught.

Is always in effect.


So basically not if it isn’t a state funeral.

Fair enough.

Shame, as donning all the bling for the demise of one’s muckers feels like the right thing to do.

Rule 1 is now in force.


Or if it’s been arranged by the MOD

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I doubt that any of us can be identified from this forum - that’s why we don’t use our real names. :upside_down_face:

The quote was

Not identified by name.

So how will they identify us ??

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Pretty big clue to the organization we belong to…


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Yes - but the question still stands - how would they identify us as individuals ?

Depends how much you annoy 11X or SIB.

IP addresses… Your grammar and what you write down.
Digital footprints… Email addresses used to register the accounts…

Oh they’ll get you.

IP address.

Im sure there were old members 5+ years ago who claimed to have been booted from the org by a particular RC at the time because of content he had put up on here…

Not available to the public.

Yes, most of us don’t use our real name but once you say enough, people can work out who you are. And some of us also don’t really care about being known, so know who others are because we’d forward emails or meet up with other people etc etc.

But i really think this conversion is moving far away from the topic of gongs.

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