HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

Similar heard by me.

We had 30 odd people in today to see off that aircraft… Never mind people in the back.

They were “in work to contribute” to the event so they have added to coronation celebrations to be awarded the gong…


I wonder if work are doing the same thing.

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Do we not maybe think that most of the footguards were on the Coronation - therefore entitled due to that?? Hmm, I think maybe some chaps did some marching for it :smiley:

I noticed a few people without it, definitely wasn’t everyone

BBC said it would also be issued to all military personnel within the next 2 weeks

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Is that the new name for a service person who sleeps around for promotions?

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Fat thumbs ha

It’s the name for someone who volunteers for every military duty & event to please superiors & gets very angry that’s others don’t think the same way.

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Do use that defence at the court martial.

I’ve been told that general distribution will start in September, and the number being issued in total (UK) is around 500k, so bigger issue than the QPJM.

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Ive seen some documentation that suggest we may get it but im being sensible to wait for the DIN and im advising everyone else to do the same just to be 100% sure


Wonder which will arrive first, my QPJM or this one (assuming we are getting it!) :rofl:

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June? Been, gone…

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Ive heard reports that the DIN is with SofS awaiting approval and was sent up the chain to his office In Mid June after getting single service approval but :person_shrugging:

I can confirm that is what I have been told as well. They’ve had it for a while.

Saw something on Twitter from SoS defence that medal are done through the cabinet office so he’s done his part & it’s all been passed over to the PUS for sign off.

Appreciate the comment is in response regarding a different medal but my take away was that it would also apply to coronation medal too.

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Latest update for the ETA is mid-July. That was published today. It is still with the SofS.

And, for those saying they’re eligible because they got QPJM:

The KCM is an entirely different medal to the QPJM and although there will be some overlap in the eligibility criteria and policy, they are not the same medal and should not be treated as such.

There may be a few people who will have egg on their face buying and mounting their medals already…

Should clarify that where I’ve made that comment, I’m talking about regular service personnel who qualified for the QPJM. We know enough already to know you’ll qualify if you meet the same standards for terms and conditions, discipline etc.

Quite right that reserve or cadet rules could catch you out, because they change subtly every time.