HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

Apologies for excluding them, no intention to undermine their contribution. Hopefully all three are recognised.


Agreed - and it should include cadets being able to wear their Road Marching medals too.

I don’t think that will ever get through the RAF dress committee. They’ll only ever allow medals included in the official Order of Wear, rightly so.
I’ve no issue with ditching the PTS badges and returning to the days of wearing the ribbon on the brassard though.





This has been our for 2 weeks now.

Its not the DIN however.
That is due some point in June.

The DIN is the definitive answer.

It should really have been out by now! Was told end of May a couple of weeks ago. Standard military comms :thinking::rofl:

Third hand info, but there was a comment on the intranet from someone who’d been told (presumably by someone authoritative, but who doesn’t love a good bit of RUMINT?) it’d be released at the end of this month.

So who knows? Today could be your day…

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Yeah, SO1 army comms said end of the month. Sounds like a reliable enough source. But he was only going off what someone even higher up had told him!

Unofficial update today via chain of command.

Don’t wear ribbons or medals until officially told you can.

Might not be an update until September.

All seems very odd, and awkward that I put my kit in with the tailor just before I went on my holidays…

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Why on earth would anyone do that?


Because typically the instructions are released swiftly, the qualifying criteria are already known (and unambiguous if you got the last one), the qualifying date has passed, and sticking my kit in while I know I won’t be needing it seemed fairly safe, until “September” came up.

The theory was I had easy access to a tailor, wouldn’t need my kit, and wouldn’t have to wait months in a queue when I might need my uniform.

Sometimes being pro-active catches you out.

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Strange it’s taking the military so long to get a DIN sorted.

I know it’s taking it’s time at work but that’s in large part due to the Commissioner arguing with the Home Office and bending the announcement to issue as many as he can.

What’s been said is that you can’t wear it until it’s official on JPA. They’ve said that it will be September at the earliest until they do a JPA run to confirm eligibility. They are still expecting the DIN to be out very soon though.

“SP cannot wear the ribbon or miniature of any medal until the award is recognised on their JPA. This also applies to the award of King’s Coronation Medal (KCM) …it will likely be September at the earliest before MOD MO do a JPA run to confirm eligibility to the KCM and then only for those who were participants in the actual coronation (on the JFET). For those with 5 years service who weren’t involved, confirmation will come later in the year.”

That makes a lot of sense

Sounds like anyone who might make a more complicated application (eg; combined regular & cadets service) might get their medal just in time for William to ascend to the throne.

I did a combined Cadet O18, Regular and CFAV application for my CFM

1yr and counting…

Might get it with a clasp or 2 already fitted


I see the RN got their MVO’s for the funeral etc earlier in the week, that will make for some junior ratings with pretty unique Medal racks.


Lots of speculation here…. Let’s wait for the DIN

But that’s no fun


I would definitely query that via CoC in our wing the current turning time around is 3 - 5 Months (including multiple service types) depending on if someone just missed a HQ RAFAC submission to the MODMO and has to wait for the next one.