HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

My miniatures are with my tailor as I was trying to be proactive for RIAT. Might end up with a group of miniatures I can’t wear until September at this rate. I hope it is sorted by then, as we have a BoB dinner planned.

If you can head them off, I’d do it.

I managed to intercept my uniform. Not worth the hassle of being incorrectly dressed (or doing dinners etc without your medals).

Medals have started being worn already!

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i think the king would be surprised if nobody was wearing his coronation medal on his birthday parade…

Impressive given there’s still no DIN :sweat_smile:

Don’t need a DIN if the King said you could wear it.


Too late!



But they look fab. Good work.

I guess it’ll be an age before I get my platty jubes on. No point doing it for a while now! :sweat_smile:

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I’m due another clasp in April, so I might put off getting the full-size medals remounted until then and save myself some money.

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It’s a solid decision.

I’ll be starting to get close just as I’m allowed to mount the KCCM…

At least I’ll be saving a packet. Not sure I’ll ever be keen to mount a clasp if there’s nothing else going on at the same time.

Edit: Not that you’ll see that clasp for an age. I think the VRSM is still on hold while they work through the issues presented by juggling lots of different types of service (and things like mobilised service not counting beyond a certain point and FTRS not being explicitly covered by any one medal).


I only did mine to add to the portfolio :rofl:

Don’t have occasion to wear minis anyway…


Between you and me (because no one else is reading this, right?) I didn’t get my 2nd clasp (2019) mounted until I had the QPJM medal (2022) as well.

Who knows what will happen with the VRSM review – I say bring back the Air Efficiency Award (but with the AE post-noms for all ranks this time!)

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Looks like you’ve got a £2 coin mounted in the middle there!


Can you imagine being a naval reserve with 10 years’ service and the KVRM?

Lt Bloggs KVRM VR RNR. Feels a bit repetitive!

The old awards would mix it up a bit once more.

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More efficient to have one for all according to the bean counters

This is, of course, very true.

That is a valid point, actually.

It’s allegedly more expensive to chase benefit fraud than just to pay the fraudulent benefits and suck it up, because of the cost of all those personnel to do the chasing.

Could be the same with the medal - cheaper to give it to everyone than soak up staff time working out who gets it and who doesn’t…

I do, but I’m banking on the occasions they’re worn resulting in a port fine rather than something more formal for being incorrectly dressed.


I’ve got my CFM bar sat in my bag. I’m not paying the have medals redone 3 times!


"SP cannot wear the ribbon or miniature of any medal until the award is recognised on their JPA. This also applies to the award of the King’s Coronation Medal (KCM).

It will likely be September at the earliest before MOD MO do a JPA run to confirm eligibility to the KCM and then only for those who were participants in the actual coronation (on the JFET). For those with 5 years service who weren’t involved, confirmation will come later in the year.”