HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

In fairness a single medal is easy to send out rather than 5000 of however many the RAFAC needs to be issued.


To be fair I have a feeling that they have a pot at MODMO for the individual issues, whereas the mass issues to different branches/corps/regiments etc take longer to get together.

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I’d almost think it’s the opposite. Dealing with individual claims one a one by one basis I’d surely see as more time consuming than HQAC just saying ‘we need 5000 medals’ and then dealing with that?

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Disagree as remember they will also have to produce the receipt letter that everyone of us will have to sign.

A medal and a single sheet of paper takes seconds. 5000 medals and a forest will take much longer to produce.

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In fairness to MODMO, they were great in sending out 20 to us and they even missed one which, when I asked them about it, was received they following week.


Thought I would cross post this here as it may lead to some discussion not suited to that thread! Glad to see some medals coming out for the cadets that attended. In this case, the cadet is now an adult SNCO :slight_smile:

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Mate of mine got his this week (sent to his house as now ex-army)

According to VoV medals are now at HQAC awaiting onward travel to regions.


So we might see them in 12 months. If we’re lucky

According the commandants recent Facebook, the gentleman who deals with it all has just retired.

But not before they were batched up for collection by Regions … Commandant’s conference is 21-23 Nov, so hopefully they’ll be collected then if no opportunity exists prior however I think we’ll be lucky if we see them this side of the new year.

WBW have handed some out at their Wing Field Day this weekend I see on Social Media

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If they got their skates on there is no reason why we couldn’t have then for remembrance. It’s only 6 RHQs sending to 5/6 WHQs - could be done in 2 weeks tops. There aren’t that many eligible per wing that splitting them would be complicated.

Why not give the offer to collect from region?

The delay is pass the parcel nature of the org. The medals are at region awaiting collection at wing awaiting collection by wing staff officers awaiting delivery to sqns to be passed to people.

Email out to personnel giving a week to collect from RHQ ahead of being delivered to Wings.

LOL. What’s a WHQ?


So they could send it to region, 1hr from me, or to the (now defunct) WHQ, 1hr 30m away. Wil probably got to pillar now, 2hrs 30 away.

Sea cadets have found a novel way - direct to volunteer


Sensible policies for a happier Britain!


And no form to sign and return through the CoC.

I’m in 2 minds about that, while it’s simper and easier, for many this is the only medal they will get or certainly the first and the option to have it presented should be there.

Work are having “surgeries” where a member of the Command Board will be present in a tunic, there will be tea and cake and you are invited to drop in, either to your local one or to one that’s convenient to you to be presented it. (So a lad or my team is married to someone in the job based elsewhere, they are both going to collect from our local session and then go out for dinner).