HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

This is not a RAFAC thing, many full time military have yet to receive theirs, so we’ll be behind them :man_shrugging:t2:

So it’s been confirmed at work that all Police Officers or PCSO’s on duty in the day will be getting the medal which is great news for some of the more junior guys on my team.


Cadets on Golden Orb from North Region have received their medals


I wasn’t in Tranche 1 for this one, despite being in Tranche 1 for the platty jobs - go figure the logic of HQAC admin.
Now I’ve left RAFAC I thought I’d fill in the medal application form direct with MODMO. Send it off with proof of service and one week later I get get an email confirming the award. As to when I’ll receive the actual thing, that’s likely to still be some time, but at least the official confirmation is through now so I can get my miniatures sorted for the various mess dinners I’ve got coming up with work.

Might be worth a punt if anyone else is in the same boat.


Well CCF who qualify in SW have recently been told ‘no sign of the medals yet, but it’s official you can wear the miniature/put the ribbon up’. Not a lot of help this close to Remembrance.

I was told recently by an admin bod that we were due to get them in November, so basically 0 chance of getting them mounted before Remembrance. Oh well, maybe next year.

Weekly Brief 59, 2nd item. Sheds some light, possibly hope, on the current state of play. Still wouldn’t advise holding one’s breath, especially those in South West, as Royal Mail pigeons are stopping at Membury to transfer to snails apparently.

Thanks for sharing, this is useful info for myself too.

I’ll have a look at gathering the evidence I need to submit an application.

And it has arrived in the post today. Nice quick turnaround.


Those of us who were in Tranche 1 are yet to receive… and you got yours in 16 days!!

Is this a HQAC issue or a MODMO one? HQAC can’t really blame MODMO if @Farmerdan going direct to MODMO has already got their medal!

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In fairness a single medal is easy to send out rather than 5000 of however many the RAFAC needs to be issued.


To be fair I have a feeling that they have a pot at MODMO for the individual issues, whereas the mass issues to different branches/corps/regiments etc take longer to get together.

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I’d almost think it’s the opposite. Dealing with individual claims one a one by one basis I’d surely see as more time consuming than HQAC just saying ‘we need 5000 medals’ and then dealing with that?

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Disagree as remember they will also have to produce the receipt letter that everyone of us will have to sign.

A medal and a single sheet of paper takes seconds. 5000 medals and a forest will take much longer to produce.

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In fairness to MODMO, they were great in sending out 20 to us and they even missed one which, when I asked them about it, was received they following week.


Thought I would cross post this here as it may lead to some discussion not suited to that thread! Glad to see some medals coming out for the cadets that attended. In this case, the cadet is now an adult SNCO :slight_smile:

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Mate of mine got his this week (sent to his house as now ex-army)

According to VoV medals are now at HQAC awaiting onward travel to regions.


So we might see them in 12 months. If we’re lucky