HM King Charles III - Coronation Medal

I am always surprised by the CFM delay comments people are regularly saying they are waiting a year or longer. It’s not universal. In my wing as far as I’m aware at least since covid no one has waited more than 3-5 months (depending on if they just missed a submission by HQ RAFAC) for it from the paperwork being submitted to WHQ to the medal being received.

Maybe it is just the dark art and lotteryness of the various WExO filing systems and in tray management…



6 months approx in the old HQ CCF, but now we are dealt with by wings who knows?

(edit: that was for a clasp not the CFM but I think much the same)

I’ve been waiting over a year for my clasp…

Definitely down to WExO and OCs. Our Wing is around the 5-6 month response mark :roll_eyes:


To throw more kindling on this dumpster fire…

Our FS has asked volunteers to work the flypast this coming Saturday.
Apparently, due to the washout for the coronation, the medal office is counting this weekend as part of “coronation events”. So he’s asked those with less than 5 years in to come work to get in the medal trawl…

This is direct from my line managements mouth. If that actually happens… Who knows.


I’ll volunteer if it just means going for a flight!

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I asked to be in the back seat prior to them asking for workers.

But if it’s still five years, I’ll be eligible anyway.


Is there any question about that?

We had two dates thrown around yesterday. And this new inclusion of this weekends events. Not counting my emus as the DIN isn’t published.


5 years’ service as of the coronation date, or contributing to an official coronation event if you don’t have 5 years’ service.

Highly unlikely a DIN is going to contradict the initial guidance regarding the 5 years point, which is also rather well established as a criterion at this point.

EDIT: In response to YO8102


Management have decreed anyone with less than 5 years as of 6th May will be in this Saturday to be eligible…



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“Unfortunatly sir ive developed covid like symptoms”


Maybe DIN will come out Monday post flypast… :kissing_smiling_eyes:

Someone’s been busy!

Plot twist, they’re all for overly keen WSO :face_with_monocle:

The medal was definitely worn on the Tropping the Colour parade today…here the Colour bearer but worn by all as far as i could tell

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The BBC said it was being worn by everyone.

I assume as the first birthday parade it’s being treated as a relevant event.

Similar heard by me.

We had 30 odd people in today to see off that aircraft… Never mind people in the back.

They were “in work to contribute” to the event so they have added to coronation celebrations to be awarded the gong…