First Class Logbooks

Indeed. The air power stuff is great.
The rest is dog mess.

Iā€™m on the shelf about Articulate. It is great for self study but not so much for taught sessions. Iā€™d like a conventional slides as a back up.


Same here. We shouldnā€™t be putting all of our efforts that same direction.

That said, what is currently being produced is of far higher quality and value than the tripe weā€™ve put up with (and, for many, ultimately ignored) for years.


Agreed though we have started to rely on externally hosted videos rather a lot and they have a habit of moving and of course donā€™t work if you are offline.

Not everywhere has wifi in every corner of its site

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Out of interest, you or anyone else, when emailing them to get books did you get an email acknowledgement? Or did the books just turn up at some point? I emailed a while ago asking for books and have not had any reply yet.

Mine just turned up after a few weeks, no email confirmation.

I would imagine that a large number of units have submitted similar requests via email and there is now a little backlog.

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Thanks :slight_smile: I shall sit patiently and wait till Feb then before chasing :crossed_fingers:


BCV (Before Coronavirus), I used to receive the first class logbooks at my front door within about 5 working days!

I assume this was when it was ā€˜automaticallyā€™ done through SMS though? As now you have to email Cranwell directly and ask.

No, that was via email request. The automated process in its prime seemed to take about 2-3 weeks.

Really not helpful when you need the books as soon as youā€™ve registered the person on SMS. Much more sensible to have the books in advance so you can use them the moment your new cadets start.

Mine took between 2 and 3 weeks to arrive but no confirmation emails or anythingā€¦

I ordered a load of the A4 Leading Cadet logbooks 3 weeks ago and they have just arrived. Postage must have been astronomical!

This is reassuring to hear! I asked for some leading books too to see what theyā€™re like having heard positive things on this forum.

I went big and asked for Leading & Air Power workbooks/notebooks.

Iā€™d be happy for CRN Graphics to bill the sqn directly too if it becomes a budget issue.

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Get em to bill 2FTS they Gould have loads left in their budget :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I take back my minor annoyance of not getting a confirmation email as the books have arrived in under a week! :smiley:


This is where is goes back to the earlier hiccup and you get the same delivery every week!

We had about a hundred of the bloody things!

And here they are



Now all we need are some sweet sweet workbooks for the other dozen or so senior/master subjects and we are good to go.

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May sound a stupid question. As we have Internet reliability can you still use the first class cadet books and indeed leaning and senior.

Something Iā€™d like to order from cranwell so cadets can progress.

Im not a trg off btw but want the best for my cadets

Having had quite a few older cadets leave post return to f2f for quite a few new cadets who want to progress

I usually delegate Trg off role but given mine has stepped down i admit Iā€™m not that au fait with training these days. Back in my day it was paper exams and the a5 acps