F/MT600 & MyDrive

Exactly :thinking:

This is all I could find. Mention RAFAC and they will probably say ‘who’ and direct you to RAF!!

We’ve seen the MT WO too. She talked the talk to a degree, but everything she tried to claim was wonderful was an absolute pain and impractical.

It’s very much a “this is the RAF way and you have to follow it” with absolutely no inclination of the vast differences between us and them let alone further variance geographically and even between individual CFAV.

We’re a square peg that they are hammering into an poorly shaped, roundish hole.


It was quite clear that unfortunately she had been in so long she couldn’t understand anything that was non-RAF & adapt to the differences in personnel types & ways of working.

One surprising thing she stated was that she had been pushing HQAC to state & enforce the policy she had written but apparently in her words “HQ wasn’t wanting to listen & not doing anything about it”.

I did find it amusing that she stayed several times that if we were in court the commandant would be right there with us like it was a threat or a bad thing.

Anyone willing to take one for the team?

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Go on then.

Is the MyDrive/MT thing worth raising via VoP somehow? Trying to think how I’d frame it but the main issues are:

  • Lack of guidance on rejection of competencies
  • No proactive route to enable competencies to be acquired / re-acquired (e.g. “I need trailer on my MyDrive”… “Sorry mate, don’t have any trailers to train you on”)
  • Excessive demand on volunteer time to negotiate with local MT sections (long travel distances, potentially to not achieve what is required when you arrive)

What is the solution?

  • Strategic review with an aim to modify MT requirements to better suit the volunteer cadre, whilst still delivering the required governance?
  • Devolution of MT functions to appropriately trained individuals more local to Regions / Wings?
  • Anything else?

Certainly feels like a VoP issue given the impact on volunteer time / motivation / knock on effect to activities.

Not saying it shouldn’t be raised, but regulars are having the same issues…

It’s all remote interaction post covid. Really hampering everyone trying to get equipment. Sam’s issue with clothing store… Have to submit a request through an app now… Can’t just turn up and exchange.

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To a certain extent, that only enhances the case for raising it if it’s an issue seen in your day job too.

It’s (slightly…not by much) more acceptable if those issues are preventing you from doing your job and you get paid to do it - I find it less so when I have to take a days leave to go and try and work through some of these issues and am met with a brick wall. Actively giving my free time to try and comply with the rules is much more galling when you just meet blocker after blocker.


This sounds like it would be better on the Astra Hub.

As an idea you mean?

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MyDrive is not going away but there needs to be a better understanding by Perm Staff on the issues encountered by volunteers. Its not a case of collecting a vehicle from the MT pool or delivery to a home address.

Volunteers normally work during the day, so can’t get to MY Sections between 0900-1700, not around to sign for or return vehicles to hire companies.

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Ironically whilst this is a pain it’s not the frustrating.bit.

We all know the system is designed for paid staff & we have to work round that mind set which is fine.

The issue is that we are told of a variety of hoops to jump through but the hoops keep changing or the dont recognised that we’ve jumped through the hoop do make us keep repeating it!

It’s a struggle to get the stage where you can receive a vehicle let alone manage day life to get.

Yep. Why not, what have we got to lose?

Mainly time when the idea comes straight back to our lap to implement, despite the fact we can’t engage high enough levels within the RAF to make this happen.

Maybe CRAFAC is reluctant to throw his twopenethworth into this, no CFAV driving service vehicles and the downward pressure on SOVs and their use equals decrease in risk to near zero.

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Cynics of the world unite! :wink:

I had to transfer to MyDrive earlier this year & after a few wobbles, everything was uploaded / approved.

In this case, is MyDrive not the solution. The old paper based system existed, and MyDrive is the ‘Astra’ solution already? Except in this case, it’s not fit for purpose…

Considering how it’s going, I’m fully expecting that he’s been actively involved already.

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I see that quite often in a work context, digitisation used as a barrier to getting stuff done, rather than to enable it.


Ok who on here is sir Humphrey?

Probably worth commenting on if you are on Twitter.