eSports in the Corps?

But thats the point, we’re finding solutions that don’t cost.
DCS = Free (for base game)
War Thunder = Free

Overwatch = Free

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And the computers at my unit are always dual use.

Can be used for sims, but also as a standard desktop for ultilearn

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Software free.
Hardware not quite.

We have plenty of hardware.

It’s all used.

Also, it’s the time in setting stuff up.

Again. Once there is a policy, I’m all for it.

We upgraded all our IT 2019. Got a fantastic deal from curry’s.

Fingers crossed e sports will get looked at sometime this year.

Just trying to get my head around this from a finance perspective. My gut feeling is this could be another social mobility barrier issue where rich squadrons can afford stuff and do stuff and poor squadrons don’t/can’t engage and their cadets miss out. Again.

Also, is this something that will be delivered on squadrons - or can cadets access it all from home via cadets portal etc (so furthering the whole “have’s and have nots” thing).

If looking at a squadron setup, can somebody ball park some figures - how much to setup a computer suite with maybe 6-8 computery things sufficiently spec’ed to do eSports? (i appreciate they could be dual purpose etc - so i’ll assume we go Google Office or whatever)


I worry about this also.

I also worry that if we start ‘allowing’ participation from home, we simply avoid our purpose.

I know alot of parents support their children going to cadets because it gets them OFF computers. If we start doing this en-masse it could backfire.

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Certainly wouldnt be via Cadet portal.
The server infrastructure would melt. Probably literally. :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

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I assume he means event details, rather than actually hosting these games on the bader infrastructure . . .

Well excluding graphics cards which have skyrocketed rescently, you’d be looking at ~£400 per machine for a low/mid end gaming machine.

I’ll try and give a decent response to this when I get home from work. This is my kind of subject :grin:

To be honest this doesn’t worry me as much, there will always be richer Squadrons that can afford to do things that other Squadrons can’t. That’s just life and I’ve been on both types.

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If we’re going to worry too much about that then we should stop doing AT as poorer squadrons won’t be able to afford it. And don’t even consider bringing back ACTO 35.

My main concern with this is that I think we’re heading to much in the wrong direction in terms of time spent on computers even without this.


Or, you could look at introducing it whilst supporting those squadrons who may find it tough to fund it - grants and loans from the GP fund maybe?

That said, I agree entirely about screen time, and wouldn’t want to see it replace actual face to face events.

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I think we should make games in powerpoint so we can find another way to death by powerpoint the cadets

This is where there should be some joined up thinking.

As a wing, we have an aerospace Centre, that squadrons can use in the evenings or weekends.

The unit I’m on, is also used as a hub for many activities. I’m privileged to have some money in the kitty, even with the current issues. Squadrons are able to come and use the facilities to supplement their own.

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Even from the other side of the border :wink::wink:

Ooo an aerospace centre I wish I was in your wing .

would you hate me if I said I’m currently logged into a cluster of 1520 Intel GPUs? Unfortunately, they’re for numerical computing (not bitcoin mining, before anyone says anything…) rather than actually for graphics… :innocent: :see_no_evil:

And cotton buds aren’t for cleaning ears, but…

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… You can ask? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If we let you is a different answer. Is your passport upto date?

Besides, we wouldn’t want to scare you with our witchcraft… We’ve got telephones and hot running water here…

Well my colleagues who were born and raised on that side of the border, unlike me, can undo you with their webbed fingers and toes