eSports in the Corps?

I’ve done similar on War Thunder with my sqn, 20 min about formation flying, then practice in groups.

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Yep. One of the cadets lost any promotion prospects… By shooting the OC down.

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if the statement made right at the beginning of this thread about it being considered for the Olympics, then why not?

I would of raged quit


Arguably a worthy cause… such opportunities rarely present themselves. Kudos to him for taking advantage.


War Thunder is great fun, but (and I think I’ve said this before) maybe not ideal since you’re stuck starting in Gladiators, He 51s, and other such contemporaries.

Spitfires and the like are fairly obtainable but there’s little chance of squadron Phantom or Jaguar flights.

Give me a shout.

Happy to discuss more in DMs


Yeah. In the session’s I’ve been involved with, we aim to have everyone flying Mk 2B Hurricanes or Mk 1a Spitfires

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Last night I asked my cadets if any of them had tried using DCS, one said they had and i quote:

I tried using it but it takes ages to load and makes my graphics card explode


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I’ve looked at getting a new gaming PC. Anyone want to help me fund it. When did things get that expensive?!

The whole GPU market is broken right now. There is a major lack of supply and a massive demand sure to crypto mining. Now is not the time to be buying GPUs at all! I bought a 2080 super during lockdown 1 last year for about £650 and currently they’re selling for more than double!!


sounds like you’ve got a little money maker then :wink: sell sell sell

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Did you have any that wanted to join the session then?

When we go back to I will be looking into e sports at the squadron. Luckily we have some good IT equipment.

I got a really good deal through AO. Graphics card stopped working , sent it off 2 days later and came with a free upgrade at they didn’t have the original graphics cars In stock.

I’d support this. The RAF are engaging quite heavily in this area. F1 is good!

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A very good podcast on this.

I’d say that any potential RAF recruit is directed to the series, as gives a good overview of current operations too

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Was good to go back a read some of the original posts from 2019 in this thread.

Here we are in 2021, with little to no interaction, and we are all stuck behind computers…

It’s not a dig at the original posters, just a look at how all of our attitudes have changed over the last 12-18 months.

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I’m really reticent to invest time and money into this until a clear Corps policy is established. And not a first draft filled with missing pages, references and red text.

My expeience of the Corps with new activities is that there is a high risk that, we in good intentions go ahead and invest in something and then HQAC put something out preventing its use or making it so difficult it’s pointless trying.

I admit e-sports is lower risk to this but still. Investing any money in the minute on Sqn, needs to be weighed carefully.

As soon as a full, supported policy comes out. We will certainly look at this favourably!

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But things, necessities, basic assumptions and rules have some what changed in 18 months havent they.