Death of HM Queen Elizabeth II

Various military aircraft from foreign nations now starting to spin up in the southeast or are leaving the southeast airspace.

Tartan 15 still on station.

But if you want someone to show you where to park your car, pick up litter or pack a bag ir make the numbers up in a local parade then donā€™t worry we will get a call.


Remember doing Cadet150 down the Mall back in 2010.

One days training at RAF Northolt with QCS, as it was, and then getting shouted at by GSM Mott on Horse Guards.

Hitting the Mall just as the Reds flew over Admiralty Arch.

A great day to remember :+1:


A truly frightening experience.

You 'orrible little Eeh Bah Gum, what are you?

If you donā€™t move Iā€™m going to place my pace stick, somewhere even the Navy doesnā€™t go!


Never done one so wouldnt know :wink:

Noticed, that the bearers are the same 10 gentlemen.

They have done fantastic work, and looked fantastic.

Must have been hard work holding the coffin for that long, and negotiating the steps into the Chapel.


Seems to have been some cadet participation according to this tweet but RAFAC contingent seems to have all been CCF. Including CCF cadets wearing CCF lapel badges where RAFAC adult staff would wear RAFAC insignia (is that regulation?)

Rest of us prols arent blue blood so deniedā€¦ :rofl::joy:

Superior element of the RAFAC arent theyā€¦or so it has seemed for several years

I thought there was still an embargo on social media :roll_eyes::man_shrugging:t2:


No itā€™s not.


Iā€™m guessing they were only there as the Army invited the contingent whereas HQAC didnā€™t want to be involved. We didnā€™t hear anything (been persuaded to stay on a little longer to train up the new section commander) but we are only RAF

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Excellent job by all the ladies and gents guarding and on the procession along the long walk!


Itā€™s the lanyard outside the pocket that does it for me

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Apart from the fact weā€™ve been told we ā€œshouldā€ change all our banners and logos back between 0800 & 0900 tomorrow. Because weā€™re all volunteers so clearly donā€™t have anything better to do ā€¦

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RAF social media, seems to be the only cadet presence thereā€¦

Assuming that Flt Lt is a RAFAC Officer isnā€™t she missing her RAFAC pins?

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Could be a reservist. Thereā€™s a reserve forces / cadet forces contingent. No distinguishing insignia for reservists anymore.

Through gritted teethā€¦isnt this meant to be about the death?


And managed to gain a white belt!