Coronation of King Charles III

They last bit on the “have got used to gettting one”

Yes, cost of living & finance etc but the government may not want to annoy those organisations.

What they could do is limit phase 1 to 5000 & those involved in the parade, ceremony & household & then the next batch are presented on the first year anniversary to everyone else.

Closer to the election, gives everyone a bit of pride, reduces delays likely to annoy people & spread cost over two financial years.

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The real annoying thing is if it is only to those who attend.
Why cant we all attend.

I would like to attend. Full stop.
It would be fascinating.

Why should tbose lucky enough to attend, then ALSO get a gong.

Almost should be the other way round. If you wernt lucky enough to attend. Have a gong.

It’s also tricky in a way to define those involved in the ceremony. Troops physically there, obviously. But what about those who have leave cancelled so they can cover the jobs of those sent to London for the ceremony?

Frankly, I could understand not giving it to CFAVs (and maybe even reservists who haven’t deployed in x years) to cut costs. But the precedent set with the recent jubilee medals means a heavy reduction for regulars would be a hit to morale when there are already big problems with that.

Another option would be to go down the route of some European awards. You earn the entitlement to the medal but have to buy the thing yourself. They could award it for free to those in attendance but allow those who are bothered and eligible to buy an official one themselves

Good idea frankly.


Interesting thought but how many Walt’s will just go and purchase without being part of any service or CF :man_shrugging:t2:

Anyone can purchase any medal now anyway.
No difference.

The chnage is that entitlement would be comunicated and then you buy your own medal after.

Walts be walts either way.

Maybe you have to show your letter or something to be able to purchase. But still
Walts be walts.


So i can finally get my MBE for services to Netflix?!?!


One chump in our wing (now moved to a neighbouring wing after a failure to secure the wing job he wanted), was caught walting round with a Gold Jubilee medal, even though basic math showed he wasn’t elligible.

Sadly the nature of this organisation means we attract the walts - so people will no doubt buy replicas wherever they can? We just need to challenge it whenever we see it, best we can do.


Would be surprised if it is a limited distro. Charles isn’t likely to see as many jubilees as his mum so it’s likely this will be his only medallic recognition.
As for the price, it’s miniscule compared to actually fixing accommodation, pay and allowances! There’s not many other operations going at the moment that offer a chance for a medal so a little goes a long way.


Go down the US route and give everyone a medal for completing Phase 1 Training etc :joy:

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Certainly that’s something people at work have said. If you only give it to those on the Ceremonial part of the aid as they did last time, what about those who book on at 0400 for the crowd security part? What about those who are extended to 12 hours to cover the core functions while everyone else is up town? Are they less deserving that those few hundred in tunics?


This is Britain…
Obviously we are all lesser than the men in tunics!


And of course there’s coronation events around the UK….

Somewhere other than London? Mattering?!!

To quote myself when commenting in a CFM thread

A medal is recognition of a commitment to a cause…somehow committing not to attend doesn’t seem worthy of recognition

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I keep hearing various rumours - another was 10 years served rather than the 5 to help save costs…


That would pretty annoying not just for me but loads of volunteers if it is 10 years qualifying service. Seeing as I just missed out on the platinum jubilee, even though I did 4 years in uniform and 2 years as a CI, I wasn’t eligible. If they did the king’s coronation as 5 years then some of us will atleast be eligible.

I and others have missed on being recognised out on one huge national event, it would be pretty demoralising if it were to happen on another big national event. Its not that it matters, because it really doesn’t, but I would like to atleast say in 50 years to potential children, that my service to a uniformed youth organisation was recognised and I’ve lived through two major events! Maybe even three, who knows :eyes:

One of my friends has been reliably informed by his barber’s cousin’s nextdoor neighbour that the coronation medal will only be awarded to those in Welsh and Cornish units to celebrate his time as Prince of Wales & Duke of Cornwall. But of course even if true it won’t stop everyone behaving like Muttley and demanding they get a chest full of tin.

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All of these Muttley jokes have to be the 50 year old reference I’ve seen made most commonly lately - and I’m a Doctor Who fan!