Comdt RAFAC leaving & replacement

Am I reading this right? TK appears to be responsible for selecting his replacement.

Full Time Reserve Service (Limited Commitment) Terms

I think the phrase ‘Limited Commitment’ sums it up quite nicely!

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No. He’s the point of contact for any questions about the role.


The following are only desirable and not essential

Working with young people.
Working with volunteers
innovative thinker

I would suggest that understanding the volunteer dynamic is crucial to the post of Cmdt Air cadets.


TK is the point of contact so that an applicant can visit HQAC and see what the job is all about. Any applicant will be a known factor at the paper sift, which I suspect will not be a long process.

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Don’t worry guys, everything is fine and dandy in RAFAC. Well that’s who contacts TK will be told.

“Just carry on as I did and they’ll all follow to hell and back”. “They moan a bit, but just treat them as AS2 and they’ll succumb to wat ever you throw at them”. he says.

This was the same for the previous 2 appointments at least IIRC.

Just means they’ll be paid less and not deployed. No house either. So money saving exercise…

Odd, considering the word “innovative” appears in the responsibilities section…

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Whilst this is true, anyone applying should be able to do the essential if they are competent in the rank advertised.

The desirable criteria should be what sorts out the good candidates from the mediocre candidates - provided there is more than one applicant!

Don’t have the FOI to hand, but one of the answers stated the TK would be in post until Sep 2025, so it certainly seems that he has retired one yr early.

His LinkedIn missive said leaving at the 4 year mark in Sep 24, usually contracted for blocks of 4 years.

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Is this not an opportunity for the successor to be the one that restores these activities.

TK gets all the hate and the new 1* the glory.

That’s kind of my point. Ultimately it doesn’t affect us any differently, but if he was right all along he gets no vindication.

Ultimately why should we care, but I go back to this:

I don’t believe that could have been the original intention.

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Yeah, treat us as AS2’s and see what happens…

You would have to register as a club and pay the annual fees to go over to the NSRA rules. That was certainly the case when I looked at this very thing in the 2014 shooting review.

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Probably better to “register” or align as an organisation rather than a club (unless entire RAFAC would count as one club)?

I suspect the NSRA (& of course NRA) would be very pleased to have cadets under their umbrella. Might make CCRS’s life easier for Fullbore shooting too?

From memory (it was a long time ago), each Sqn would have to register as a club. It was cost prohibitive, also there were questions around the exemptions i.e. need to have a fire arms certificate.

Best sticking with the current safe system of training, etc.