totally agree - this should be to ALL RAFAC - OCs may be on leave or at RIAT for example
Yet more fantastic comms skills from HQ
Just checked went to my WWO account and not personal…Suprised it hasnt come through as a bader announcement yet to be honest.
So… STOP all physical activity.
Surely, surely that includes the as of yet not authorised on sms RIAT camps?
Or are the cadets going to sit in tents all day? Would be cooler on the apron!
The fact that RSOs, especially ones responsible for physical activity, are finding this out via ACC is diabolical.
Yep still showing as DRAFT so by their own rules it should not be going ahead…wonder what would happen if I did that???
If all OCs pulled their cadets from these activities citing no confidence in the safety assurance and lack of indemnity should something go wrong as the app isn’t approved and cc the TSA and Gp Capt I wonder what would happen.
You can go to the application approval tab and add a comment
It says stop, risk assess again, ask for approval>
HOWEVER, there is a slight issue:
The guidance states in essence that all activity must follow the work/rest tables in the JSP, these are the ones based on WBGT readings. The assessment also apparently MUST be supported by WBGT readings or an ‘acceptable agreed alternative’ it then notes of course that the tables are not for children.
So, considering no one has the only approved WBGT machine, and that we are never going to get one by Monday, why don’t the SMEs at HQ just work out in advance what the agreed alternative is? Because as things stand, this is practically impossible to comply with.
Ah yes but that would then require the event to be audited effectively.
Now I’m wondering what to do about my cadets on camp as I’ve not got this email and nor has the contingent commander who is running the week (stuck at work for me).
Adders has basically said that and to ‘wait out’.
A fast moving picture of doom is all this.
Where’s the shrug emoji?
If 100 of us on here all posted asking wtaf… on the sms. It would generate something!
Judging by the numbers on ACC right now.
I’ll send you what I’ve had from my Wing
How are they defining ‘physical activities’?
Are ‘mental activities’ i.e. classroom work not paused?
The way I see it, would I prefer to explain to a cadet and their parents that I stopped them attending an event that wasn’t approved and evidenced to be safe during a period of weather warning, or would I prefer to explain to parents why I allowed their child to attend, who then got heatstroke despite watching the climatic injuries video and that’s why they’re now in hospital getting injected with fluids to stop them from dying.
So you’re telling me the guidance aimed at fit and healthy serving regulars; adults, isn’t suitable for 12/13/14 year old?!
It’s almost like MOD policy used by regulars might not be suitable for youth groups, who’d of thought?!
Let’s take a step back and be clear:
It’s not a bad idea overall, it’s far better than the last stop where there was no appeal process, and it applied regardless. That was just dumb.
What this does, is stop all activity, and make us justify why it should go ahead. Which is a fair question when you look at the forecast for next weekend and early next week, it’s going to be horrific out there, so, making people justify why they should continue, and how it’s going to be safe IS good policy.
The issues with all of this is two fold: First, the frankly terrible dissemination of the policy, that’s shambolic as ever and HQAC should be reviewing this ASAP.
Second, the policy as it’s currently written is basically practically impossible to comply with as it forces reliance on a system which we are not geared up to use, nor trained to use, using a piece of equipment we are not allowed to have. Which they should know, as it’s their policy that says we can’t use it. So why not just issue the alternative policy now?