CI "Membership Cards"

It’s proof of membership, not a form of ID that should allow you onto station


They still don’t know what it is or what relation it has to anything.

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Realistically, it has no relation to anything :wink:

Its only purpose is to demonstrate that you’re a member of the ATC.
To whom you ask?

Not the guardroom that’s for sure.

Someone without a MOD90 almost always needs to be accompanied by someone with one. In that case the guard room aren’t going to care whether CI Bloggs can prove that they’re a legitimate member of the ATC because Flt Lt Smith has a MOD90, vouches for them, and is escorting them.

It might do if turning up at another Squadron for some purpose.

It was a nice idea… If a little unnecessary and ultimately pointless.


My CFC one has finally turned up, but it won’t be replacing my VRT one in the frame.

It’s supposed to allow you to have an unescorted pass rather than escorted. Although I’ve only ever been to 3 places with CI’s where they have been given red passes and in 2 of those Cadets with 3822’s were allowed to be the escorts!


My parent station it was roulette whether you got green or red.

Laughable to be a CI with SC but being escorted by cadets - oh well…


Especially you are the only members of staff, used to happen at Northolt that we had to get Cadets to sign Ci’s in!



Just another gimmick from the Twitter princess.


If the MoD where to issue MOD90s to CI’s would that be a good thing or not.

Would this be one of the last things that CIs couldn’t do/have and a reason for not transitioning from CI to Uniformed staff?

For me it would be a good thing as I have never been interested in going back into uniform but do have routine reason to access MoD Establishments - each to their own!

That’s fine but some stations can’t get their head around the fact that not all uniformed staff are issued with MOD90s or minimum SC :man_shrugging:t2:

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All uniformed staff are required to have SC now.

Why would uniformed staff in RAFAC not have a MOD90? We can get one very easily.

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Easily? Maybe. Quickly though, no. :joy:

To be fair, mine only took 18 months. That’s pretty good, for a RAFAC process :joy:

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Mine took about two weeks. But being CCF I think it went through Londist Army admin instead of HQAC.

that is an odd one…

when my MOD90 expired (new one on order but failed to arrived before expiry) i showed my SC letter and it was accepted by the Guardroom and permitted a “unescorted” pass, as was also the case for other CIs in our wing (at least those who were regulars at Wing shooting)

This is a thing?

I was once told by a guardroom that there’s a form/pro forma /something that can be given in lieu of MOD90 while you wait, but no one I asked had ever heard of it…

I ended up with a red pass that week :pensive:

well in my experience - yes!

it was the confirmation letter proving that a SC had been completed and came back ok. not something knocked up by Wing as an alternative to the MOD90 and a begging letter “please let Fg Off Steve on site, i promise he’s allowed, Signed WExO” but the formal front sheet. It listed my name, service number and reference to the SC

they accepted it - but the Cpl on the desk doesn’t really care.
I look the part, dress the part and knew what their questions would be and offered the answers in return, I had the paperwork in lieu of the usual stuff and my name, and car were already on the system.
it was probably easier to treat me like a MOD90 holder (which technically i was - just not arrived) than treat me as a visitor.

Ahhhh… Remember the old days and F2899 “Certificate of Credentials”? :smiley:

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What form of ID do civil servants or contractors working on an RAF Station hold? Do they get a MoD90 or something else? Could CIs get similar if SC cleared rather than a pretend ID card?

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There are Civvy ID cards, one of my staff used to be an MT driver and his MT pass would get him places his MOD90 wouldn’t.

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MOD F90 just says ‘MOD CIVILIAN’ on it. Guard force never notice the difference :man_shrugging:t2:

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